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"Canceling Vesryn Pulse."

As Johnny uttered the command to cancel the Vesryn Pulse, the Tachyon Dragon transformed back into its humanoid form, revealing Meike, the orange-haired teenage girl who had served as our transportation to Scrap Town. We found ourselves standing in front of a nondescript bar nestled within the slums.

Gathering at the entrance, Johnny addressed Meike with gratitude. "Thank you for delivering us here," he said, a smile playing on his lips.

Meike responded with a playful pout, her concern evident in her crimson eyes. "I know it's just a boys' reunion party, but are you sure you'll be alright?" she asked, casting a wary glance between Johnny and me.

Johnny's confidence remained unshaken as he draped an arm over my shoulder. "I'm a Dragon Lord, and Lysander here is a dragonoid contractor of the reincarnation of Goddess Exceria," he declared with a smirk. "What could possibly go wrong?"

Meike relented with a resigned sigh, her lips quirking into a slight smile. "Fine then," she conceded. "Just one drink, though. Your brain cells have just been healed."

"Agreed," I chimed in, returning her smile. "Just one. Yeah, that's right. Only one."

Johnny nodded in mock agreement, his grin widening with mischief. "Just one drink! No big drama!" he exclaimed, though there was a glint of mischief in his eyes.

As Meike bid us farewell and vanished into the sky with a flap of her dark dragon wings, Johnny's cheerful demeanor remained undimmed. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he seized the opportunity to indulge in some much-needed relaxation.

"Now then, let me treat you to a drink, my brother," Johnny exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as he ushered me towards the bustling bar at the heart of Scrap Town's slums.

Entering the dimly lit establishment, I couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the dragonoids who ran the bar amidst the turmoil of war. In the previous timeline, such luxuries had been distant memories, overshadowed by the grim realities of conflict.

Approaching the counter, Johnny greeted the old dragonoid woman with gray hair, addressing her as Miss Ejane. But her response was tinged with skepticism, a testament to the wariness that permeated the air.

"Johnny Wolvesbane," Miss Ejane sighed, her tone wary. "I know Meike trusts you, but I'm not so sure. I won't tolerate any trouble in my bar."

But Johnny's easy smile remained unwavering as he reached for his wallet, producing a stack of bills adorned with Gazelle's face—the currency of the Republic of Dragons. With a nonchalant gesture, he placed the money on the counter, a silent reassurance of his intentions.

"Fear not, Miss Ejane," Johnny replied cheerfully. "You'll find no trouble from me. Now, how about you treat me and my friend here to your finest beer? Bottomless, if you please. And keep the change."

"Generous today, aren't we?" Miss Ejane remarked, her tone teasing as she handed us our drinks. "Enjoy this shit, you fuckers."

The old woman bartender's gruff demeanor softened into a wry smile as she accepted Johnny's payment, her words laced with a mixture of sarcasm and begrudging appreciation. With a chuckle, Johnny accepted the beers she provided, his laughter echoing through the dimly lit bar.

Johnny's laughter only intensified at her words, his infectious mirth contagious as it spread to me. Despite the gruff exterior, Miss Ejane's banter added to the lighthearted atmosphere, a welcome reprieve from the weight of our past and present struggles.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now