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I've been fixing my scarlet bangs for a while now, using the rear-view mirror of the limousine I had been driving. My VIP, Madam Marieflorine Corasell, noticed my preoccupation with my appearance and let out a soft chuckle.

"Are you getting nervous, Johnny?" Madam Corasell asked.

I hesitated before responding, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "W-Well, yeah. This is my first time on the job as your security driver, Madam."

Madam Corasell, a renowned duchess who had left an indelible mark during the Arcadian Rebellion twenty years ago, was the principal author of the Dragonoid Rights Law. She had been supported by two legendary Dragon Knights during that tumultuous period. At thirty-two, she was a beautiful white woman with wavy brown hair, always adorned in frilly dresses.

"We're heading to a Magic High School filled with students your age. You don't have to be so anxious," Madam Corasell said, her smile reassuring.

Madam Corasell seemed oblivious to my true source of anxiety. It wasn't the students at the Magic High School that had me on edge; it was my VIP herself. She was not just any royal duchess; she was a Dragon Knight Instructor, someone who could easily do without my services as a driver and security detail, given her loyal dragonoid partner who happened to be on other duty right now. I couldn't shake the feeling that even a minor mistake on my part could snowball into a significant blunder.

As we approached Tasty Town's Magic High School, I couldn't help but notice the ongoing repairs in the wake of the Neo Arcadia invasion that had taken place three days prior. The damaged buildings were slowly but steadily getting back to their former state. I parked the limousine in the VIP area and assisted Madam Corasell as we disembarked.

I carried her briefcase while she remained engrossed in a stack of files. We proceeded to the ninth floor of the building via the elevator and finally reached the principal's office. There, Madam Corasell handed over the files to the principal and requested the presence of five specific students in the Student Council Room.

Fifteen minutes later, the designated high school students had gathered in the room.

The first student was the school's Student Council Vice President, Hiraya Misteltein. Hiraya, an elf lady, possessed an alluring beauty that drew the attention of those around her. Rumor had it that her intelligence matched her captivating appearance.

The second individual, Kate Zephyrus, had striking red hair and a muscular build that left no doubt about her strength. Kate's demeanor suggested that she was very particular about her pronouns, and one wrong word might lead to a rather tense confrontation.

The third person, Charlotte Margaret, was a brown-haired aristocratic girl with a slender frame. She gave off the impression of a sheltered, affluent upbringing, likely to cringe at the sight of even the tiniest speck of dust. Her presence seemed to mirror that of Madam Corasell, though the reason remained a mystery.

The fourth student, Gaeun Medizin, had black hair and a plump figure. She exuded an air of shyness and seemed to go out of her way to avoid making eye contact. Despite my initial attempt to break the ice with a friendly smile, Gaeun continued to avert her gaze.

Lastly, there was Lysander Faradeiss, a striking young man with silver hair and piercing blue eyes. His demeanor projected a cool and uncaring aura, and he came across as a serious individual who didn't appear inclined to take a joke lightly.

Madam Corasell occupied the central table, and the five students poised themselves for the impending interview. I, too, couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, wondering how this encounter would unfold.

"Before I begin with the questions, I'd like to introduce myself," Madam Corasell initiated. "My name is Madam Marieflorine Corasell, a First Class Dragon Knight at the Dragon Knight Academy and currently the head of the Chevalier Unit."

"It's an honor to meet you, Madam Corasell," Hiraya, the blonde elf girl, responded with genuine warmth. "How may I help you?"

Madam Corasell then unveiled the pictures from her files. One of them depicted the red-haired Kate skillfully wielding a sword against a Neo Arcadian terrorist. Another image showcased the aristocratic Charlotte stationed on a rooftop, wielding an anti-armor sniper rifle. The following picture captured the shy Gaeun, employing her magic wand to fend off the terrorists with her spells. Finally, there was a picture of the blonde elf Hiraya tending to wounded students and teachers after the siege on their school, showcasing her healing abilities.

The last picture, however, sent shivers down my spine. It portrayed Lysander, who had unleashed a formidable military-grade nuclear magic to obliterate a rogue Dragon Knight and an Arctic Dragon. It was the most chilling image of all.

"I have heard from the police reports and the students' testimonies that you five are responsible for neutralizing the terrorist threats. Is that true?" Madam Corasell inquired.

The five students exchanged glances, uncertainty clouding their expressions. Sensing their hesitation, Madam Corasell intervened to reassure them.

"Don't worry, everything you say in this room will be kept in utmost secrecy. I just want to hear the truth. I won't be recording anything."

Hiraya looked to Lysander for confirmation, and he nodded in agreement. With a warm smile, the blonde elf responded, "Then our answer is yes."

"Since you're the one speaking, it's safe to assume that you are the leader of the group, Miss Misteltein?" Madam Corasell inquired.

"Yes, Madam," Hiraya nodded politely. "I was the one who devised our counterattack strategy against the terrorists, but it was truly a collective effort. I couldn't have done it without my friends."

"But still, defeating fifty-plus terrorists armed with guns and magic is quite commendable and a great achievement for such a small group. You were outnumbered ten-to-one, and yet you managed to emerge mostly unscathed. Not to mention one of you single-handedly took down a dragon and a knight. I've never witnessed a magic user accomplish such a feat," Madam Corasell praised, her smile directed at Lysander, who averted his gaze in response. "Isn't that right, Mister Faradeiss?"

"It's mostly a result of precise calculation and luck," Hiraya interjected, coming to her friend's aid. "We five had received prior military training and were well-prepared to confront the terrorists who threatened the campus."

Madam Corasell's smile seemed to betray her awareness of Hiraya's intervention. It was clear that these five students were concealing something, and it appeared that the young man in their group held the key. After all, he had managed to eliminate the rogue Dragon Knight by himself.

"I'm not here to pry into your private details. I've come to make you an offer," Madam Corasell announced. She snapped her fingers, signaling me to place the briefcase on the table. I gently opened it to reveal five golden calling cards, each crafted from four grams of 24-karat gold and bearing the logo of a dragon and a sword, denoting the planet's premier intelligence agency. These cards also featured microchips and other intricate technological elements that were beyond my comprehension.

"Upon your graduation, I am extending an invitation for all five of you to join the Chevalier Unit. You'll receive scholarships to support your collegiate pursuits, along with an attractive salary package. Your primary duty will be to work under my leadership and assist in the eradication of Neo Arcadia," Madam Corasell offered.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now