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In the main shrine of Onishira, I carefully set down Mariko and Kate, watching as they prepared for the imminent task ahead. Hiraya, our fearless leader, issued a crisp command for me to ascend to the skies and return to our primary mission – the demolition of the bell tower at the island's Cathedral Exa. My role, once a chaotic diversion for Kate to secure the Fourth Dragon Lord, was evolving into the crucial climax of this operation.

"Go! Trailblaze Accel!" Hiraya's authoritative voice echoed, punctuating the air. Instantly, our bodies became enveloped in ethereal, semi-transparent blue flames. A singular sweep of my wings, now that of a Trailblazer Dragon, propelled us forward with the force of a rocket hurtling through space.

Within a mere fifteen seconds, we found ourselves at the imposing bell tower. A formation of dragons, guardians of the tower, circled it in a menacing dance. As they settled into a phalanx formation, their collective power emanated, ready to unleash synchronized beam attacks from their gaping maws.

A deafening roar echoed as the dragons unleashed their unique beams, creating a chaotic symphony of destructive force. Smoke billowed, shrouding the area in a thick haze, rendering visibility to nil. Only after three suspenseful seconds did the smoke dissipate, revealing Hiraya and me, untouched and unscathed. The partnership with a Dragon Lord granted an unexpected advantage, rendering us impervious to the onslaught of overwhelming odds.

The dragons, their crimson eyes wide with disbelief, gasped upon witnessing the futile outcome of their coordinated assault.

"Twice as many as before?" I questioned through telepathy.

"Don't worry. No need to hold back, Lysander. Hit their non-vitals, just half your magical output," assured Hiraya.

"Right," I responded telepathically, extending my limbs, wings, and tail. I harnessed energy from every cell in my body—scales, skin, muscles, down to my bones.

Simultaneously, Hiraya rose, her hand raised, conjuring a green wind sphere—an embodiment of Nature Mana Assimilation. The spell drew natural mana from the air, channeling it from her fingertips to her heart. The charged energy flowed from her heart to mine, saturating my dragonic form with an impending magical surge.

With azure eyes scanning the battlefield, I detected seventy-three dragons, now locked in my sights.

"Omnidirectional Trailblast!" Hiraya's commanding voice echoed with power. In response, my entire being became a symphony of heightened energy. From my wings, claws, and horns to my feet, tail, the blue orb on my chest, dragonic mouth, and azure eyes—all radiated an intense aura. Laser blasters erupted, surging forth with precision, curving and homing in on all seventy-three adversaries. The result was a spectacular and dazzling display of destruction, as the unleashed forces of nature wreaked havoc on the battlefield.

Omnidirectional Trailblast, the most potent spell in Hiraya's arsenal, was a fusion of my Erudite knowledge and her status as the Third Dragon Lord. However, I suspected her discovery of this formidable spell had ties to her role as the reincarnation of Exceria, a connection that transcended mere erudition.

The onslaught of the spell left all enemy dragons incapacitated, their midriffs and wings targeted with precision. They crashed to the ground like insects succumbing to a pesticide spray, transforming back into their weaker humanoid forms amidst a veil of accompanying smoke.

"Seventy-three tangos neutralized," I telepathically reported to Hiraya.

Hiraya, visibly relieved, wiped sweat from her forehead. "Phew! Unloaded all those juices I've been holding back, just like a mighty orgasm."

Ignoring her crude analogy, I refocused on the bell tower looming ahead. With no remaining adversaries in sight, the time had come to dismantle the tower and liberate the island from the dragonoids once and for all.

"Now, let's destroy that BBC!" Hiraya pointed at the bell tower, a smirk playing on her face. "I always wanted to destroy that thing!"

Annoyed, I snapped at her telepathically, "What is that even supposed to mean?"

With a blushing face, Hiraya responded, "It's a big bell column! Geez, Lysander, you pervert! You're thinking about a completely different, lewd BBC!"

"Don't blame it on me! You're the one who makes these weird double-meaning jokes!" I telepathically cried out, feeling a tinge of frustration.

Slightly irritated, I gathered energy, forming a blue miniature sun within my mouth. Hiraya, recognizing the shift in my demeanor, grew serious, withdrawing her pistol and casting a magical circle at its tip.

"Trailblaze Twin Arrow!" Hiraya's shout filled the air as her flaming bluish-green arrow merged with my magic missile beam, both hurtling towards the bell tower. An explosion ensued, scattering bricks and burnt wood in all directions. We waited, expecting the bell tower to crumble; normally, a single Trailblaze Arrow would suffice.

However, as the smoke cleared, the bell tower remained intact, its crimson pillar of light unchanged.

"Are our attacks too weak?" I telepathically inquired. "But that's double our original output!"

"No," Hiraya replied with furrowed brows, gazing intently at the tower. Her eyes then fell to the foot of the bell tower, where a gigantic crater revealed itself. "Somebody else intercepted our attack."

Hiraya and I shifted our attention skyward, our eyes widening in surprise as an unanticipated foe revealed itself in this isolated haven. A massive black dragon loomed above, its imposing figure adorned with vibrant neon green circuit lights that illuminated the surroundings in an otherworldly glow. With each powerful flap of its wings, the air vibrated, and the creature emitted a roar reminiscent of a jet engine, the sound resonating from its ethereal orbs.

"Fall back!" Hiraya's urgent command pierced the air.

Swiftly, I adjusted the position of my flaming wings, placing us in an inverted flying stance. Green meteors cascaded from the heavens, accompanied by the ominous sound of their descent. Leveraging my speed, agility, and predictive skills, I skillfully dodged each incoming meteor.

As the onslaught ceased, I flapped my wings to restore balance. Hiraya, securely holding onto me during our inverted flight, remained unscathed.

Our attention shifted to the formidable foe we now confronted.

"Gazelle Lockwood," Hiraya muttered, identifying the Alientech Dragon descending from the dark clouds. Its crimson eyes bore into us, radiating an unmistakable intent to kill.

"We have met again, oh Oracle," the Alientech Dragon communicated telepathically.

"So, you've been hiding here in Onishira all along," Hiraya responded with a forced smile.

"No, in fact, I just arrived," the Alientech Dragon telepathically answered. "I am here for one sole reason – to have you on our side."

"How many times do I have to reject your offer, Gazelle?" Hiraya purred arrogantly. "You clearly can't take a hint."

"I'm not suggesting anymore," the Alientech Dragon laughed telepathically. "I have been foolish to let you go on your own free will. Now I will have to use force."

The Alientech Dragon's V-mark on its forehead emitted an ethereal glow, casting an otherworldly light across its scales. As the radiant mark shimmered, a haunting melody echoed through the air, emanating from the bell tower. In a surreal twist of fate, the lifeless dragons we had triumphed over in the past stirred back to existence, their once defeated forms now rising ominously from the depths of their slumber.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now