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Assembled on the deck of the dwarven airship, we bore witness to a momentous occasion. Dwarven guards stood sentinel in disciplined lines, while the members of the Daybreaker Squad gathered around the central stage, anticipation thrumming through the air.

At the heart of the stage stood Hiraya, a figure of solemn authority, poised to bestow upon Darlix Mctavish a title of great significance. With reverence, Darlix knelt before her, embodying the dignity of one prepared to embrace his destiny.

"With the authority vested in me as the reincarnation of Exceria, I hereby baptize you in the name of Avarice - the Sixth Dragon Lord," Hiraya intoned, her words carrying the weight of ancient tradition.

In that pivotal moment, a surge of crimson energy erupted from Darlix, rippling outward with such force that even the sea itself responded, unleashing a wave with the aircraft carrier at its epicenter. A crimson V-mark materialized on Darlix's right arm, glowing with vibrant intensity before settling into a permanent tattoo.

Hiraya's smile was one of satisfaction as she stepped back, granting Darlix the honor of his new title. "Raise your head, oh Dragon Lord," she commanded.

With a radiant smile, Darlix complied, standing tall as he accepted his newfound role. "Thank you for baptizing me into a Dragon Lord, Goddess Exceri- I mean, Captain Misteltein," he expressed with genuine gratitude.

"Just call me Hiraya," the elven oracle replied, extending her hand in camaraderie. Darlix reached out, shaking it firmly, sealing their bond.

As applause erupted from the dwarven marines and echoed by the Daybreaker Squad, I too joined in, witnessing the dawn of a new era with admiration and hope for what the future may hold.

As Darlix turned to me with an endearing smile and a wave, I couldn't help but feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks. Quickly, I averted my gaze and masked my embarrassment with a dismissive huff. Playing hard to get seemed necessary, even if his affection was evident.

"Thank you for that baptism, Captain Misteltein," Captain Pryce interjected, taking center stage alongside the newly anointed Dragon Lord. "Now that we have our own Dragon Lord, we can now reclaim our lands," he declared with determination.

"Let me be clear, Captain Pryce. We would have aided you in reclaiming your island regardless of Darlix's decision," Hiraya asserted with a gentle smile.

"You are too kind, elven Oracle. With your support, I am confident we will emerge victorious in the upcoming war," Captain Pryce responded gratefully.

"So, what's our agenda now?" Darlix inquired, his uncertainty palpable.

"We will retake your island at daybreak," Hiraya announced with unwavering confidence.

"I-Isn't that a bit fast?" Darlix exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the suddenness of the plan.

"Fortunately, the Elven Oracle has already devised a plan to retake Kraghelm," Captain Pryce announced, activating his smartwatch to summon a holographic display. The image projected before us depicted the island of Kraghelm, situated amidst the vast expanse of the ocean.

Stepping forward with the authority of a seasoned commander, Xenon joined us on the stage, exuding confidence as he outlined the strategy. With a laser pointer in hand, he directed our attention to the heart of Kraghelm.

"Our first priority is to neutralize the bell tower of Kraghelm. Its destruction will cripple the Republic's forces, stripping them of their ability to transform into dragons. To achieve this, we will orchestrate a diversionary tactic, drawing the enemy's attention to the western front while a commando unit executes a covert mission to dismantle the tower," Xenon explained with precision.

"Once the bell tower falls," Captain Pryce continued, "the dragonoids of the Republic will be significantly weakened. With their ability to transform negated, they will pose little threat to our combined forces."

I couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction. Leave it to Captain Hiraya to craft such a meticulous and effective plan. It was clear that her strategic prowess would be our greatest asset in reclaiming Kraghelm.

"Captain Hiraya Misteltein and Captain Benjamin Pryce will oversee operations from this airship. Dragon Lord Mariko Septem and Dragon Lord Earvin Lancaster will lead the frontline assault," Xenon elaborated, assigning roles with precision. "And I will lead the commando unit tasked with taking down the Kraghelm bell tower."

"Are you certain you can accomplish such a feat?" Darlix interjected, voicing the concern that lingered in the air.

"Of course," Xenon replied with a confident smile, his hand absentmindedly brushing against his beard. "I have served in Elysia's esteemed White Ghost Unit and as a Dragon Knight of Alterra. Rest assured, I am more than capable of seeing this mission through."

Darlix chuckled and playfully tapped Xenon's shoulder. "Alright, I'll watch and let you showcase your skills."

Xenon's response was swift and smug. "Congratulations, Darlix. You've just volunteered yourself for my commando unit."

"W-What? I didn't agree to that! I want to fight on the front lines!" Darlix protested, his tone laced with dismay.

I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation. It seemed fitting that Darlix, with his arrogant demeanor, would find himself in this predicament. Perhaps it was a lesson in humility that he sorely needed.

Meanwhile, Hiraya's mischievous gaze fell upon me, her smirk widening as she raised her hand to speak. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Um, I want to assign someone to your commando unit too," she announced, much to my dismay. Darlix, Xenon, and Captain Pryce turned their attention towards her, awaiting her next words.

"Hiraya!" I exclaimed, feeling a sense of dread wash over me.

"I would like to volunteer my special friend and comrade, Charlotte Margaret. I can vouch for her keen perception and sharpshooting abilities," Hiraya declared, her words sending a shiver down my spine.

"That's not what 'volunteering' means!" I protested, feeling a sense of betrayal.

As Xenon and Captain Pryce exchanged glances, stroking their beards in contemplation, Darlix drifted into a daydream. "Really? Charlotte will be with me on the operation? Awesome!"

After a moment's deliberation, Xenon and Captain Pryce reached a silent agreement. Then, Xenon turned his gaze towards me.

"Very well, Charlotte. Your sniping and spotting abilities will be invaluable during our infiltration. I see no issue with having a Dragon Lord and a member of the renowned Daybreaker Squad in our midst," Xenon acknowledged, sealing my fate with his decision.

"Fantastic!" Hiraya cheered, her enthusiasm infectious.

I couldn't help but clench my fists, feeling a twinge of annoyance at Hiraya's apparent betrayal. Yet, beneath my irritation, a curious interest stirred within me. Despite my initial resistance, there was a part of me that harbored a growing fascination with Darlix. Perhaps this mission would provide an opportunity to explore that further.

Approaching me, Xenon posed a crucial question. "Miss Charlotte, during the operation, we'll need to forgo weapons to maximize our mobility. Are you proficient in Forge magic?"

"F-Forge magic?" I echoed, caught off guard by the inquiry. I shook my head in response.

Xenon's smile widened. "Well, today's your lucky day. Darlix happens to be a master of Forge magic. He can conjure up a sniper rifle without breaking a sweat. It's his specialty. You two will make quite the team."

I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was subtly pairing me with Darlix. While it wasn't unwelcome, the teasing and speculation surrounding our potential partnership grated on my nerves. Nonetheless, I resolved to focus on the mission at hand and make the most of this unexpected alliance.

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