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The echoes of cannons and the fiery explosions had ceased, leaving behind an eerie stillness within the shroud of dark clouds. Gaeun, with deft movements of her wand, fashioned a protective barrier around our airship from the swirling black smoke, ensuring we could still draw breath amidst the chaos.

"Is it over?" I dared to voice the question, my voice barely audible over the lingering tension.

Suddenly, a crackle of static broke through the silence, emanating from the airship's radio system. "Unidentified Airship, this is Kraghelm Superior Carrier 1," a voice announced, filtering through the speakers. "Enemy dragons have retreated. You are safe to dock with this aircraft carrier."

Hiraya swiftly tapped her earphone, responding, "This is Windwalker, airship of the Alterran Imperial Forces. Thanks for the assist."

With a flick of her wrist, Gaeun dispersed the veil of darkness, revealing the clear skies once more. Our eyes followed the path of gratitude towards the imposing silhouette of the airship that had come to our rescue. Guided by Hiraya's commands, the Windwalker obediently descended towards the waiting embrace of the aircraft carrier's airfield.

As we settled onto the carrier's deck, my gaze was drawn to a peculiar sight. Several dwarves, no taller than four feet, stood ready to assist our landing, their diminutive frames illuminated by glowing sticks. Clad in marine's white uniforms and adorned with horned helmets, they presented an unexpected blend of fierceness and charm. Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't help but find them oddly endearing.

"Wow, isn't this the biggest ship we've ever seen?" Kate's eyes widened with awe as she surveyed the expansive airfield. "It can even carry our ship."

"Dwarves are the best weapon-makers ever since time immemorial," Earvin remarked. "That includes weapons of war like tanks, airplanes, and ships like these. I can still remember when dwarves invented the first tank."

"Okay, boomer," I quipped.

With just those two words, the prince of vampires sulked and clung to my best friend Gaeun like a child seeking comfort. "Gaeun, your best friend is insulting me!" Earvin protested.

"There, there, Earvin," Gaeun soothed, patting the vampire prince's head as if consoling a distressed child. "You'll get used to Charlotte's sass soon enough."

"Hmph!" I crossed my arms and turned away, my intention only to inject a bit of levity into the tense atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Mariko and Hiraya shared a quiet chuckle in the corner.

The dwarves stood in disciplined rows, offering salutes of greeting as we disembarked. At the end of the line stood three figures. Two were dwarves, one a blonde elder with a flowing mustache, and the other a black-haired dwarf with a clean-shaven face. The third figure, however, was a human with jet-black hair and piercing green eyes.

The three figures saluted as they welcomed us, and in return, we offered a respectful salute in kind.

"Welcome aboard the KSC 1, esteemed travelers from distant lands. I am Captain Benjamin Pryce of the Kraghelm Navy... or what it used to be," declared the blonde dwarf with the impressive mustache.

"I'm Captain Hiraya Misteltein, leader of the Daybreaker Squad of the Alterran Imperial Forces," Hiraya introduced herself with a gracious smile.

"The Daybreaker Squad! I've heard tales of your valorous deeds," exclaimed the black-haired dwarf. "You're the ones who liberated Onishira and dismantled the dark influence in Nocturnia! They say you're humanity's premier bell tower demolition squad!"

The black-haired dwarf straightened, his stature as imposing as it could be for someone of his diminutive size. He thrust out his chest proudly and beamed.

"I am Engineer Darlix Mctavish! The most dashing and skilled battle specialist in this entire armada!"

Glances were exchanged among us of the Daybreaker Squad. It dawned on us that we were acquainted with him, thanks to Lysander's descriptions, but he had neglected to mention just how self-assured and conceited Darlix could be. It was a disappointing realization, to say the least.

"Nice to meet you, Engineer Mctavish," Hiraya greeted with a warm smile.

"Woah!" Darlix gasped, his eyes widening as he was captivated by our captain's radiant presence. "Are you the Goddess Exceria?" he exclaimed, starting to kneel down in reverence.

Just before Darlix could surrender the last shreds of his self-respect, the black-haired human intervened, grabbing him by the collar like a mischievous kitten.

"I apologize for Darlix's overzealousness," the human said, running a hand through his beard. "I'm Xenon Wingate, currently a guest aboard this aircraft carrier."

"Xenon Wingate?" Hiraya's ears perked up. "Aren't you a Dragon Knight from Alterra?"

"Retired," Xenon confirmed. "My hometown in Elysia was decimated, so I chose to lend aid to the dwarves of Kraghelm when the Republic of Dragons launched their assault."

Kraghelm stood as the nearest refuge from the Elysian border, making Xenon's presence here understandable. Rumors circulated that the military-grade magic known as "Forge" was a collaborative effort between the dwarves of Kraghelm and the humans of Elysia.

"It would be impolite to discuss matters here; I invite you to my modest office," Captain Benjamin offered graciously.


As Hiraya, Captain Benjamin, and Xenon delved into their discussions behind closed doors, I found myself relegated to guard duty, stationed unceremoniously against a nearby wall. It was a dull task, one bestowed upon me due to the distracting antics of the four love-struck companions.

Kate and Mariko embarked on a leisurely tour around the airship, while Earvin and Gaeun found solace in the tranquil vista of the ocean, their attention drawn to the playful dolphins and darting flying fish. Despite the recent peril we had narrowly escaped, their spirits seemed to effortlessly soar when given the opportunity. Perhaps that's the transformative power of love, to render two souls so blissfully oblivious to the weight of the world.

To exacerbate matters, I found myself paired with the insufferable dwarf, Darlix Mctavish. While Hiraya, Benjamin, and Xenon engaged in important discussions, the self-assured engineer saw fit to divert his attention to me.

"So, is a beautiful lady like you part of the Daybreaker Squad's combat force? What position do you hold? Frontline? Sniper? Magic caster?" Darlix inquired eagerly.

"Shut up, you freak," I retorted, my arms crossed defiantly as I turned away.

"Geh!" Darlix recoiled, visibly taken aback. "You may be a vision of beauty, but your personality is trash."

That was the final straw. In a burst of frustration, I lashed out, my hand connecting with his cheek with a resounding slap, sending him tumbling to the ground. The sudden commotion drew the attention of our superiors, causing their meeting to grind to an abrupt halt as they turned their gaze towards us.

"Who do you think you're calling trash, huh? You repulsive commoner!" I erupted, my voice ringing with indignation.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the Regressionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें