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The icy sensation of sweat trickled down my back, and a shiver raced through my bones. Each strand of hair on my arms seemed to stand as if charged by electricity. A chill ran down my spine at the sight of the Alientech Dragon, its presence defying all logic and understanding.

Though I had pored over countless images and videos of this mythical beast from past timeline, the tangible reality of its form now before me was an entirely different terror. Whispered stories spoke of those who'd crossed paths with it, their tales forever silenced. Every skyranger and Erudite held a shared dread for this creature so fearsome that humanity's directive was clear and absolute: flee at the mere sight.

"Move! Now!" My voice cracked with urgency.

Confusion clouded Hiraya's eyes momentarily. Then, as if yanked from a trance, she rallied her senses and barked a swift order to the Nova Dragon. "Alris, retreat!"

"Why should we be concerned about that dragon?" Alris questioned, a hint of skepticism in its tone. "It might be imposing, but where's its rider?"

"I sense danger, Alris. We need to leave, now!" Hiraya's urgency was palpable.

Taking heed of Hiraya's urgent plea, Alris unfurled its wings and executed a sharp turn in mid-air. We plunged downward, our speed escalating to a dizzying pace. Yet, for all its ominous presence, the colossal Alientech Dragon made no move to follow.

High above, Johnny and his Harpy Dragon streaked past the Alientech Dragon. With a swift motion, Johnny nullified the Vesryn Pulse, reverting his dragon form to that of a human—revealing Maggie.

Maggie's eyes widened with relief, her voice tinged with gratitude as she exclaimed, "Supreme Leader! Your arrival is truly a blessing."

Johnny's brows furrowed, a look of puzzlement overtaking his features. "Supreme Leader?" He echoed, uncertainty lacing his voice.

As our descent accelerated, the increasing distance and gusting wind obscured the exchange between Johnny and Maggie, making their conversation a distant murmur.

"Lysander," Hiraya's voice pierced the mounting tension, filled with apprehension, "what exactly is that?"

I held my tongue, letting the weight of silence hang between us. Revealing the truth wasn't a burden I was ready to bear. That towering Alientech Dragon symbolized more than mere danger; it epitomized the darkest threats to humanity's existence. And it held a bond with Hiraya, a Dragon Lord connection I dreaded.

The thought haunted me: should they cross paths, should Hiraya align with such a malevolent force, humanity's fate could be sealed. It would be a catastrophic endgame for us all.

Ahead, Tasty Town loomed on the horizon, its silhouette clear against the backdrop, roughly twenty kilometers distant. Encircling its outskirts, the formidable infrastructure of the empire's military camps sprawled out: rows of tanks, anti-aircraft vehicles, missile platforms, and mages clad in military garb wielding both rifles and enchanted staves.

"We could seek assistance from the Imperial Forces down there," the Nova Dragon proposed, hope evident in its voice.

As we sliced through the night sky, the military encampment below sprang to action, soldiers summoning twin luminous rods, signaling for us to halt. Their reactions made it clear: the sight of a dragon knight in nocturnal flight set off alarms. Amplifying their voice through a megaphone, one of the officers addressed us with authority.

"Unidentified Dragon Knight, you are within Imperial territory. Halt your advance. This is a checkpoint under the decree of her Imperial Majesty," the stern voice echoed through the night air.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now