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The strategic intentions of the human imperial forces became increasingly clear: with aerial bombardment proving ineffective, their focus shifted to a ground assault. By breaching the slum's wall, they aimed to engage in a direct confrontation, leveling the playing field between the dragonoid army and their human counterparts.

Such impulsive tactics defied conventional siege strategies, suggesting an uncharacteristic urgency on the part of the invaders. The presence of an Erudite leading the assault hinted at their unwavering confidence in their abilities, even in the face of formidable dragonoid resistance.

"Centurion to B1, provide a situation report, over," I demanded, urgency lacing my voice.

"Milord! She's here! The Erudite! Aaah!" The soldier's panicked scream was abruptly silenced by a burst of static.

"B1! Respond!" My fist clenched in frustration as I attempted to establish contact with other units. "B2 to B7, report in!"

"Lord Centurion, B2 and B3 squads have been decimated by the Erudite," another soldier relayed, his voice tinged with urgency.

"How many enemies are we facing?" I pressed for details.

"There's an overwhelming force! The old hag Erudite leads them, clearing our defenses! The imperial forces are advancing! Aaaaaah!" The transmission devolved into static once again.

Cursing under my breath, a particular detail caught my attention. "An old hag?" I murmured aloud, a sense of intrigue mingling with my growing concerns. The presence of this mysterious figure added another layer of complexity to an already dire situation, further intensifying the urgency of our response.

From my earliest memories, the allure of the Erudites Twelve captivated my imagination. Their names became etched in my mind, each possessing unique abilities and reputations. Among them, Erudite Anoushka Park, known colloquially as Baba Yaga, stood out—a white-haired crone possessing an aura of enchantment and rumored to wield a curse as her weapon of choice.

Recollections of a past encounter with another claiming the title of Erudite haunted me—the very adversary responsible for Maggie's tragic demise. Though the identity of this current Erudite remained uncertain, my resolve solidified. I needed to assess my capabilities, to determine if vengeance against my nemesis remained within reach. Defeating Anoushka would serve as the first step toward that end.

Drawing upon the latent power coursing through my veins, I unleashed my dormant werewolf lineage. Crimson fur sprouted, encasing my arms and legs, enhancing my physical prowess. With newfound agility and speed, I darted toward the chaos unfolding in the town's southern sector.

My focused sprint did not go unnoticed. Meike's voice pierced the tumultuous atmosphere, her cry laden with concern. "Johnny!" she called out, her eyes locking onto my determined advance, the weight of our shared history echoing in that single, poignant moment.


Arriving at the desolate open field, my surroundings painted a grim tableau of destruction. Debris scattered haphazardly, the remnants of once-sturdy homes now reduced to rubble. The air was thick with the acrid scent of blood, a chilling testament to the fierce battle that had unfolded.

My heart sank at the sight of fallen comrades—fifteen lifeless dragons and about thirty dragonoids in Partial Dragon Form. Among the carnage, the central figure stood out: Erudite Anoushka, the Baba Yaga, her presence casting a sinister shadow over the devastation.

Descriptions from books and newspapers had done little justice to the horrifying reality before me. Anoushka, an old woman with cascading gray hair that reached her toes, bore a face etched with the passage of time—wrinkled and ghastly. Yet, her macabre smile revealed fangs akin to a python's. The stark contrast continued as her monstrous visage framed the body of a geisha, adorned in a pristine white robe. Her bosoms sagged heavily, and her long, captivating legs emanated an unsettling allure.

A voice, as terrifying as her appearance, reverberated through the shattered landscape. "I Centurion..."

The earth seemed to tremble beneath her words, and a shiver ran down my spine. The convergence of dread and determination intensified as the ancient nemesis, responsible for so much suffering, focused her attention squarely on me.

The mention of my name by the Baba Yaga confirmed my status on the blacklist, a designation that carried little weight amidst the chaos engulfing the planet. In the midst of an all-out war, the distinction between wanted and safe had blurred; everyone faced the looming threat of conflict.

Adopting a battle stance, my feral claws poised for a lethal slash, a surge of nervous energy coursed through me. The absence of the Vesryn Pulse's empowering presence, the void left by Maggie's absence, weighed heavily on my spirit. Despite the apprehension, survival necessitated pressing forward.

With a primal roar, I lunged at Anoushka, claws aimed to rend through the perceived threat. Yet, to my bewilderment, my strikes found only empty air. Like mist, my claws passed through her form without resistance.

"Too...Slow..." Anoushka's menacing smile twisted as she effortlessly sidestepped my attack. In a swift countermove, her bony hand gripped my elbow with unnatural strength, redirecting my momentum.

"Uwah!" The force sent me hurtling toward a dilapidated house constructed from scrap metals. Debris scattered as I collided with the structure, metal bars piercing jacket and flesh alike. Blood trickled down my forehead, a stark reminder of the harsh reality.

Wincing through the pain, I swiftly rose, slapping away protruding nails and reentering my fighting stance. The encounter had begun, and with every ounce of determination, I prepared for the relentless struggle against a foe who seemed to defy the very laws of the physical world.

The desperation fueled my determination as I sprinted toward Anoushka, unleashing a series of furious scratch attacks. However, my efforts proved futile, as if I were striking at an intangible mirage. Confusion gripped me as my claws passed through her, and the unnerving smile on her face deepened.

"What the hell!?" I exclaimed, my frustration mounting.

Anoushka's eerie smile persisted as she whispered an incantation, invoking the dark power of a spell. "Horus Incinerate."

A torrent of black flames surged towards me, consuming my crimson fur and leaving half my body burnt. The impact propelled me into yet another wall, the collision causing it to crumble. My left eye sealed shut due to the damage sustained, and my strength waned as I collapsed to the ground.

"Ehe...ehe...ehe..." Baba Yaga's maniacal laughter echoed. Her unhurried footsteps drew closer as I mustered the remnants of my strength to raise my head. The weight of her foot pressed down on my nape, grounding my cheek into the soil.

"Grrr..." I growled defiantly, my one functional eye narrowing in determination, even in the face of overwhelming adversity. The battle had taken a dire turn, but the wolf within refused to yield.

The weight of Anoushka's foot pressed heavily against my nape, stifling my attempts to lift my head. Her chilling voice sliced through the air, demanding, "Tell... me... where... is... the... Overmind?"

Summoning every ounce of strength, a guttural roar erupted from deep within me as I strained against her oppressive hold. Yet, my resistance proved futile against her overwhelming power.

My attention then shifted abruptly to a harrowing scene unfolding nearby. Human soldiers, clad in menacing armor and armed with both rifles and spell books, had encircled a group of dragonoid children from the slums. Their terrified crimson eyes met mine, a silent plea echoing in their expressions.

Anoushka's voice, dripping with malevolence, posed the question once more, "Where... is... Gazelle... Lockwood?"

My defiance resurfaced, fueled by rage and desperation. "Fuck... you... senile... bitch!" I spat out, unwilling to yield to her demands.

In a horrifying display of power, Anoushka extended her hand toward one of the dragonoid children and unleashed a black fireball. The devastating flame engulfed the young female dragonoid, reducing her to ashes in a heart-wrenching instant.

The raw anguish of witnessing such a merciless act coursed through me, culminating in a desperate cry that echoed the collective horror and sorrow of all present. "Nooooo!"

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now