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As the radiant energy from the Mark of Vesryn permeated the atmosphere, a profound transformation swept over Kate, Charlotte, and Gaeun. The crimson glow seemed to penetrate the very essence of their being, breaking the chains of control that had bound them moments before.

Confusion and bewilderment painted their expressions as they grappled with the sudden shift in their surroundings. Kate's fiery sword dimmed as she addressed me, uncertainty evident in her voice. "Hiraya?"

Charlotte, lowering her sniper rifle, echoed Kate's confusion, her voice tinged with apprehension. "What just happened? Why were we...?"

Gaeun, clutching her chest, met my gaze with a mixture of relief and concern. "U-Ummm?" she murmured, her eyes searching mine for answers, clearly bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

The bonds of control had been shattered, but the aftermath left a lingering tension, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges and uncertainties that still lay ahead.

The intense emotion on Johnny Wolvesbane's face spoke volumes, a seething rage evident as his influence over my friends dissipated. The Harpy Dragon, equally infuriated, emitted a deafening roar, signaling their aggressive descent, intent on unleashing their full fury upon us.

"Brace yourselves!" I shouted, anticipating the impending assault.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the odds were stacked against us. The speed at which Johnny and the Harpy Dragon closed in left little room for maneuverability. My three dragonoid friends, still disoriented from their release from Johnny's control, were vulnerable, unaware of the imminent danger hurtling toward us.

"Raaaaah!" Johnny's defiant battle cry echoed ominously, a testament to his determination to assert dominance. The impending clash promised to be fierce, with no clear path to safety in sight.

The sudden manipulation of energy by Johnny Wolvesbane was startling. Using the unique properties of the Vesryn Pulse, he momentarily halted the Harpy Dragon's heart, seizing the opportunity to summon a formidable weapon. The manifestation of the massive green sword was a menacing sight, its size and aura suggesting catastrophic potential.

"Dracaryx! Activate Harpy's Feather Blade!" Johnny's commanding voice echoed, accompanied by the dark green flames that enveloped the sword. The impending strike was imminent, a deadly arc of destruction aimed directly at us.

For Kate, Charlotte, and Gaeun, the looming threat was clear, and the odds seemed insurmountable. Yet, beneath the facade of impending doom, a calculated plan brewed in my mind, a strategy poised to turn the tide in our favor.

Lysander, in his transformed state as the Trailblazer Dragon, was not merely a passive participant in this grand scheme. He had been patiently biding his time, channeling his energies, and preparing for this decisive moment. As I felt the mounting power building within him, it was evident that he was ready to unleash his most potent attack, a culmination of our collaborative efforts to turn the tide of this perilous battle.

The Trailblazer Dragon's resounding roar heralded the unleashing of its devastating attack, a potent blue-colored nuclear blaster that surged forth with unparalleled force. Johnny Wolvesbane, caught off guard and unable to evade in time, faced the impending cataclysm head-on.

However, in a poignant display of sacrifice, the Harpy Dragon, Maggie, intervened with a swift tilt, diverting the trajectory of the nuclear blast aimed at Johnny. The consequence of this selfless act was severe, as her midriff to tail disintegrated into atoms, leaving behind a poignant trail of destruction.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now