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Following the grand ceremony, guests, including ourselves, were ushered into the opulent hall of the new Royal Castle. Expansive chandeliers bathed the room in a radiant golden glow, casting a warm ambiance over the gathering. Elaborate buffet tables were laden with delicacies, while an adjacent array showcased an assortment of beverages, including juices, wines, and spirits. At the heart of it all stood a crystal fountain, its waters shimmering like a constellation of stars.

The strains of an orchestra filled the air, infusing the atmosphere with an air of celebration that momentarily made us forget the ongoing war.

"This gathering also commemorates humanity's triumphs, particularly those of the Daybreaker Squad," declared Empress Serenity Elkyria, her voice resonating with pride.

Reflecting on recent events, humanity had managed to reclaim some ground over the past three months. Initially, with the activation of the Dragon Lord Commandments from the bell towers, humanity's territorial control had dwindled to a mere 29%.

Armed with foresight from my past experiences, I confided in Hiraya, sharing intel on cities with vulnerable defenses and revealing the bell towers as the power sources fueling the Dragonoids' transformations. In the previous timeline, it took us two arduous years to decipher the true potential of these bell towers—a costly delay. However, armed with this invaluable knowledge, the Empire now possessed a strategic advantage, aware of precisely where to strike to exploit the enemy's vulnerabilities.

Hiraya took it upon herself to relay messages and strategies to the Empress and our handler. She had two compelling reasons for doing so: firstly, to shield my identity as the time-traveling Regressor, and secondly, to uphold her revered status as the Oracle by providing the Empire with future insights and plans.

Through Hiraya's strategic guidance and calculated performances as both the Oracle and leader of the Daybreaker Squad, we began to see a shift in the tides of war. Currently, the Empire of Alterra controlled 59% of the continent, a testament to our string of victories. It seemed only a matter of time before the Empire would reclaim its former glory, with plans underway to liberate neighboring nations like Elysia, Sargus, and Fleija.

As of now, only Hiraya was privy to my status as a time traveler. However, considering our progress and the trust built within the Daybreaker Squad, I contemplated revealing my truth to them once the festivities concluded.

The grand ballroom came alive with the strains of romantic melodies, setting the stage for nobles to showcase their elegance and grace on the dance floor. The women's gowns billowed gracefully as they spun, while the men's refined movements captivated onlookers.

While the allure of such festivities held little appeal to me, I found myself indulging in the culinary delights on offer. Sipping on exotic cocktails and sampling unfamiliar delicacies, I savored the tastes of a world far removed from my previous life, focusing on the present moment amidst the grandeur.

"Lysander," Hiraya's enchanting voice reached me, and I turned to find her in a midnight dress, radiating allure. She curtsied with a smile, teasing, "Aren't you going to ask a pretty lady to dance?"

Stumbling over my words, I admitted, "I would, but I don't know how to."

Hiraya chuckled, closing the distance and extending her hand. "Just follow my lead."

Setting aside my champagne glass, I took Hiraya's hand, hesitating slightly before placing my other hand behind her waist, avoiding direct contact with her bare back.

"Hold me, or else it will be awkward," Hiraya advised, maintaining her warm smile.

Resolving my uncertainty, I secured my grip, feeling her chest lightly against mine. Holding her hand in my left and her back in my right, the proximity was unlike any other encounter in my life. Our faces were just inches apart, and I could sense her every breath. We began to dance, and I carefully mirrored her every move, navigating the dance floor in a synchronized rhythm.

"Left foot forward. Right foot right. Left foot backward. Right foot—Ow!" Her exclamation of pain was immediate. The smooth rhythm was abruptly disrupted when I inadvertently stepped on Hiraya's foot.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I stammered, taken aback.

She shot back with feigned seriousness, "It's alright. I'll just step on your crotch later, and then we'll be even."

"Please, let's not do that," I replied, flustered.

She laughed, waving off the tension. "Hahaha, just kidding."

However, any further banter was halted by the sharp sound of breaking glass that reverberated through the hall. All eyes turned toward a sudden commotion unfolding amidst the nobles.

"What on earth? Why are dragonoids present in this event?" A noble exclaimed, his accusatory finger pointing toward Kate and Gaeun, who had been dancing. The shattering of his wine glass mirrored his shock, his gaze fixed on their unmistakable crimson eyes.

The distinguished figure in the black-striped tuxedo, bald and reflecting the hall's lights, was unmistakably Apollo Campos. In the timeline I once knew, he harbored ambitions of becoming an Erudite but was overshadowed by my own achievements in that regard.

Whispers of Apollo's past had reached me; his dragonoid wife had reportedly abandoned him as humanity's dire situation unfolded during the Purge of Humanity. Given this background, his visible disdain for dragonoids was more understandable, even if it didn't excuse his current outburst.

Kate, fiery and fearless, broke away from Gaeun's side and confronted Apollo head-on. "What's your problem, huh, egghead?"

With a voice dripping with disdain, Apollo retorted, "Didn't you get the memo? This gathering is for humans. Why have you loathsome lizards infiltrated this place?"

Raising her voice to match his, Kate shot back, her anger palpable, "We serve in humanity's army! We've turned against our own kind to ensure you frail humans can reclaim your lands!"

As the tension escalated, Hiraya swiftly positioned herself between Kate and Apollo, attempting to defuse the volatile situation. "Please, let's calm down, both of you."

Apollo's eyes flared with anger. "Stay out of this, elf. This conflict is between humans and dragonoids. Victory belongs to the human empire, and creatures like her should be banished!"

Kate's patience reached its limit. "To hell with you, egghead! I've sacrificed so much, shedding sweat, tears, and blood to bring down those bell towers and fight against my own kind. And this is the gratitude I receive from a fossil like you?"

Witnessing the escalating confrontation, Hiraya's composure wavered. She retreated a few steps, seeking refuge behind me.

"If you're so eager to prove yourself," Apollo taunted with a sinister grin, conjuring a sword into existence, "let's settle this with a duel, blade to blade. Draw your weapon."

The tension in the room thickened as Kate's eyes burned with fury. "Here's the thing," she began, her voice dripping with defiance, "if I need a sword, I'll just use yours."

Apollo's laughter reverberated through the room, a mocking sound that only fueled the tension. "You'd use my sword? Did you misplace yours? How exactly do you envision that working out for you?"

With unwavering confidence, Kate responded, "I'll simply take it from you."

Amused by her audacity, Apollo chuckled sarcastically. "Impressive bravado. Fine, let's see you try." He extended the hilt of his sword towards her in a mocking challenge.

Unfazed, Kate shot back with arrogance, "Don't make it too easy for me."

Feigning nonchalance, Apollo twirled his blade expertly before swiftly pointing its tip at Kate's throat, drawing a small trickle of blood. The room fell silent, the gravity of the situation evident in the stunned expressions of onlookers.

In a swift and calculated move, Kate deftly slapped the flat edge of Apollo's sword with one hand while simultaneously striking his wrist in the opposite direction with her other hand. The combination of her actions disarmed Apollo in a mere instant. Seizing the opportunity, she snatched the sword from the air and aimed it squarely at the balding noble's exposed head.

"You insolent—" Apollo began, fury evident in his voice, preparing to retaliate.

However, Kate was quicker. With precision and force, she delivered a powerful punch to Apollo's throat, causing him to crumple to the ground, gasping for air as he clutched his injured neck, writhing in pain.

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