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As the Pestilence Dragon loomed before us, its scales gleaming like obsidian, and the mermaid with eyes as dark as the abyss by its forehead, Meike and I tensed at the imminent danger. I grasped at my chest, feeling the rapid beat of my heart, and silently synchronized my rhythm with Meike, our bond igniting a golden glow between us.

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!" I commanded, my voice cutting through the tense air.

In an instant, Meike transformed into a mighty Tachyon Dragon, her scales crackling with orange lightning as she spread her wings, ready to take flight. I climbed atop her head, feeling the rush of wind and energy as we soared into the sky at a speed beyond comprehension.

"Are you really leaving Lysander to face the Erudite alone?" Meike's telepathic voice echoed in my mind, crackling with concern.

"I trust him, despite our differences. He's proven himself before," I reassured her, a smile playing on my lips as memories of past battles flooded my mind.

"Alright," Meike nodded, her thoughts merging seamlessly with mine.

With determination in our hearts, we ascended towards the looming figure of the Pestilence Dragon, ready to confront the colossal threat head-on.

"Meike, Tachyon Missiles, now!" I ordered.

My Tachyon Dragon charged a sphere of crackling orange lightning in her maw, unleashing it towards the Pestilence Dragon's face. Sparks erupted upon impact, causing noticeable damage to its snout. Yet, the dragon's wound retaliated, releasing laser curses that homed in on us.

With swift and agile maneuvers, my Tachyon Dragon evaded the onslaught of lasers, her movements faster than light itself. As she prepared to launch another barrage of Tachyon Missiles, I intervened.

"Hold, Meike," I commanded. "Despite our efforts, that creature is massive. We'll exhaust our mana before we bring it down."

"What's the plan then?" Meike queried through our telepathic connection.

"We target the source: the obsidian-eyed mermaid herself," I replied.

Meike propelled us upward once more until we hovered over the Pestilence Dragon's head. There, we beheld a pale mermaid whose tail melded seamlessly with the dragon's forehead.

"Tachyon Missiles, fire!" I shouted.

The Tachyon Dragon unleashed three bolts of crackling orange lightning toward the obsidian-eyed mermaid, each missile striking its mark with unerring accuracy. Yet, as the explosions dissipated, we were stunned to find that our assault had left no mark.

As the realization dawned upon me, I focused on the obsidian-eyed mermaid's irises, where the distinctive V-mark of Vesryn was unmistakably etched. However, it lacked the vitality that usually accompanied such a mark. Glancing at my own hand bearing the dormant V-mark, I sensed a strange similarity.

"Is she... a Dragon Lord?" I whispered, my voice barely audible over the chaos.

Before I could contemplate further, the obsidian-eyed mermaid unleashed a piercing cry, sending invisible sonic waves hurtling toward us. With reflexes honed by battle, my Tachyon Dragon swiftly dodged the onslaught, but the force of the waves disrupted our flight path.

"We need to retreat, Meike!" I shouted, urgency lacing my words.

As I commanded, my Tachyon Dragon reversed course, putting distance between us and the Pestilence Dragon. From our vantage point, we watched as the Dragon's Fortress began its descent into the depths below.

"That thing... it bears the Mark of Vesryn. It's impervious, but at least it's stripped of its Dragon Lord Commandment," I muttered, my voice heavy with realization. "It's like a corrupted Dragon Lord."

Meike's voice trembled with uncertainty. "What's our next move, Johnny?"

I clenched my jaw, frustration gnawing at me. "I hate to admit it, but we may have no choice but to turn to Lysander and his nuclear magic. It seems to be the only way to vanquish that behemoth," I said, gritting my teeth. "We'll have to regroup with him and coordinate our efforts."


Down below, the clash between the two Erudites erupted into a whirlwind of magical fury.

"Forge," Lyon the Destruction muttered, conjuring a magical sniper rifle into existence. With precision aim, he targeted Lysander and squeezed the trigger.

"Trailblaze Accel!" Lysander chanted, his form blurring as he surged with incredible speed, narrowly evading the sniper bullet. Yet, the impact of the shot against the bell tower sent shockwaves rippling through the structure, causing it to tilt dangerously.

Cursing under his breath, Lysander darted towards Lyon, seizing the sniper rifle before it could be used against him.

"You're quick, I'll give you that," Lyon remarked, a smirk playing on his lips. "But speed won't save you when I bring this tower down."

Lysander's eyes glinted with determination as he infused the rifle with radioactive heat, melting it into molten metal in his grip.

In response, Lyon's body erupted in flames, muscles bulging with power as he launched a fiery roundhouse kick towards Lysander's neck. With lightning reflexes, Lysander dodged the attack by a hair's breadth, backpedaling to create distance between them.

"You're already in your Blazing Mode," Lysander observed. "You're truly intent on ending me."

Lyon's expression shifted, acknowledging Lysander's insight. "So, you're familiar with my bloodline magic."

"I've told you before, we're destined to cross paths," Lysander replied. "We're both Erudites."

"And what of it?" Lyon retorted. "Dennis Cavalier is an Erudite too, yet he chose to align with the Republic. What compelled you to forsake your humanity for the sake of the dragonoids?"

"This isn't about factions or allegiances," Lysander asserted, spreading his arms wide. "It's about saving a dear friend. And that includes you, Lyon Blacknote. You made a sacrifice so we could reach the Regression Magic's Ritual Site. I'll ensure you're saved too."

"Regression Magic? What do you mean?" Lyon questioned, his Blazing Mode deactivating as he seemed to disengage from the fight.

"Lys Panyeros," Lysander murmured, a cryptic phrase laden with significance.

In that moment, Lyon's eyes widened in astonishment, recognizing the significance of the phrase as one only comprehensible to Erudites like himself. It appeared that a silent understanding had been reached between them, a truce born from shared knowledge.

Lysander began to advance, his movements devoid of hostility, while Lyon cautiously lowered his guard.

Seeing an opportunity, I seized it. With Lysander seemingly distracted, I knew it was my chance to act. "Meike, now!" I shouted.

"Roger!" My Tachyon Dragon responded, diving towards the ground with unparalleled speed. In a flash faster than light itself, her outstretched claws closed around Lysander, pulling him out of Lyon's grasp.

"What the hell!?" Lysander exclaimed, his voice tinged with surprise and confusion.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now