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After unleashing my frustration on the obnoxious dwarf, I fled to the solace of the Windwalker, seeking refuge in the confines of my room. With trembling hands, I bolted the door behind me before collapsing onto my bed, tears streaming down my cheeks in a torrent of confusion and distress.

I couldn't pinpoint the exact cause of my tears. Was it the pent-up stress of the recent battle, or the aggravation caused by that infuriating dwarf? I allowed myself to surrender to the overwhelming tide of emotions, even though their origins remained elusive. Clutching my pillow tightly to my chest, I sought comfort in its familiar embrace.

A soft rapping at the door interrupted my solitary lament. "Charlotte? Charlotte, are you there?" Hiraya's concerned voice pierced through the veil of my despair.

"Y-Yes," I managed to choke out, my words muffled by the pillow pressed against my face.

"What's wrong, Charlotte?" Hiraya's tone was laced with genuine worry.

"Nothing! Nothing!" I sobbed, my voice cracking with emotion. Even I could not decipher my own feelings.

"Is it okay if I come in?" Hiraya's request was gentle, filled with empathy.

"No! Please, just leave me alone for now, Captain!" I pleaded, my anguish palpable. "I need space."

"O-Okay," Hiraya's response was tinged with disappointment. "I'll return to the carrier. Just call or text me if you need anything."

I listened to the faint sound of Hiraya's retreating footsteps, engulfed once more in the suffocating silence of my room. Alone with my thoughts, I grappled with the harsh realization that perhaps the dwarf's assessment of my attitude wasn't entirely unfounded.

"So what if my personality is trash?" I muttered bitterly, my lips contorted into a defiant pout.

As I lay in the dimness of my room, grappling with the weight of my emotions, I couldn't shake the nagging doubt that perhaps the dwarf's harsh words held some truth. Despite having a few companions like Gaeun, Kate, and Hiraya, I struggled to label anyone as a true friend. Even Lysander, with his cold indifference, seemed to echo the sentiment of my inadequacy.

But then I realized something crucial: this was who I truly was. I refused to don a façade of false amiability, like Lysander's deceptive charm or Hiraya's carefully crafted smile. I yearned to embrace my authenticity, flaws and all.

Tears continued to cascade down my cheeks as I grappled with this realization, until exhaustion finally overcame me. Drained of strength and resolve, I succumbed to sleep, the weight of my burdens lulling me into a restless slumber. Despite the turmoil raging within, the embrace of sleep offered a temporary respite from the turmoil of my thoughts.


The persistent knocking drew me reluctantly from the clutches of sleep, and I rubbed the remnants of tears from my weary eyes before mustering the energy to respond. "I said I need space!" I called out, my voice tinged with irritation.

Yet, the knocks persisted, refusing to be ignored. I sighed in resignation, begrudgingly rising from my bed to answer the unwelcome intrusion. As I swung the door open, I braced myself for another confrontation, only to be met with an unexpected sight.

Before me stood Darlix, dwarfed by the bouquet of roses he held outstretched in his hands. His sincerity was palpable, evident in the earnest twinkle of his brown eyes as he bowed before me.

"I apologize for what I said earlier," Darlix's voice was contrite as he extended the bouquet towards me.

My confusion mirrored in my expression as I processed his unexpected gesture. "Huh?"

"I know it was out of line for me to criticize your personality," Darlix continued, his voice tinged with remorse. "I admit I overstepped, and I didn't mean what I said. Please, accept this peace offering from me."

His words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, I was at a loss for how to respond. Darlix's sincerity was unmistakable, and despite my initial skepticism, I found myself softening at his heartfelt apology.

Darlix's display of genuine remorse was a rarity, a gesture that touched me in a way I hadn't anticipated. It was a first for me, witnessing a man voluntarily bowing and apologizing of his own accord.

Despite my pride, I couldn't bring myself to dismiss his apology outright, especially considering my earlier actions. Accepting it seemed only fair.

Taking the bouquet from his outstretched hands, I decided to maintain a facade of aloofness, playing hard-to-get.

"Hmph," I huffed, crossing my arms and turning away. "Are you truly sincere in your apology?" I challenged.

"Y-Yes," Darlix stammered, his sincerity evident in his response.

"Prove it to me. Bend the knee," I commanded, my tone firm.

"Has anyone in your squad ever told you that you're a pain in the ass?" Darlix muttered under his breath, though his words didn't escape my notice.

"What was that?" I raised an eyebrow, demanding clarification.

"N-Nothing, Madam," Darlix hastily replied, before obediently genuflecting to the ground and bowing before me. "I sincerely apologize for my rudeness, my Queen."

As Darlix knelt before me, a peculiar sensation stirred within me, a fluttering warmth that spread from my mind to my heart. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one that took me by surprise, igniting a spark of intrigue within me. His submissive demeanor, coupled with his earnest apology, had an unexpected effect on me, awakening a dormant desire.

"F-Fine then. Apology accepted," I mumbled, my cheeks flushing as I averted my gaze.

"Thanks," Darlix responded, though a mischievous glint danced in his eyes. "Hahaha."

"W-What's so funny, you plebeian?" I demanded, my irritation bubbling to the surface.

"I just thought that you're kind of beautiful. You're even blushing," Darlix teased, his words sending another wave of warmth to my cheeks.

"A-Am I?" I gasped, my fingers automatically rising to touch my heated skin. His observation caught me off guard, and I couldn't deny the truth in his words. But blushing? In front of a dwarf like him? It was utterly perplexing.

"You just called me trash earlier. Don't you dare try to twist your words and call me beautiful, you liar!" I retorted, my frustration mounting.

"Hahaha! Okay then. But my opinion remains unchanged. You may be trash, but you're undeniably cute. You're the most beautiful trash I've ever met," Darlix quipped with a smirk, his words simultaneously infuriating and flattering.

I crossed my arms and pouted. "Is that how you flirt with girls? Because if it is, you're doing a terrible job, you plebeian."

Darlix scratched his head, his demeanor shifting to one of sincerity. "I've never actually flirted with a dragonoid girl like you before, especially one as beautiful as you."

His words sent a surge of warmth coursing through me, and before I could fully process it, I felt his hand gently reaching for mine. Without hesitation, I allowed him to grasp it, my heart pounding in my chest as he knelt once more. Then, with a tender gesture, Darlix pressed his lips to my delicate fingers, a gesture that sent shivers down my spine.

As Darlix poured out his heart, professing his affection for me, I felt a surge of emotions swirling within me. His earnestness, coupled with the intensity of his gaze, ignited a fire within my chest, my heart racing in response to his declaration.

"Darlix Mctavish..." I murmured, my hand instinctively pressing against my pounding heart, feeling its rapid rhythm beneath my palm.

"Charlotte Margaret... Please, go out with me!" Darlix implored, his plea tinged with genuine sincerity.

In that moment, I couldn't help but ponder the experiences of Kate and Gaeun, whose hearts were undoubtedly stirred by their own Dragon Lords. Was this fluttering sensation, this Vesryn Pulse, the same feeling they experienced? Despite Darlix's unconventional appearance, his sincerity and affection resonated with me in a profound way.

Yet, as I opened my mouth to respond, I knew what my answer must be.


Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now