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As we emerged from the confines of the submarine, our mission began in earnest. The bell tower loomed in the center of the island, a focal point of our objective. Fortunately, my knowledge of Kraghelm's intricate tunnel networks and railway systems afforded us a shortcut. With confident strides, I led my squad to a nearby cave where a handcar awaited us.

"Behold! This is the shortcut to the bell tower," I proclaimed, a smirk of satisfaction playing on my lips.

"Excellent work, Darlix," Xenon commended, a smile lighting up his face.

I turned to Charlotte, hoping to earn her admiration. However, she merely folded her arms and turned away with a disdainful snort. Charlotte was a tough nut to crack.

Seeking validation had always been a driving force in my life. It was the reason I pursued engineering, striving to modernize and improve Kraghelm. I longed for my family's pride and the acknowledgment of my peers.

Now, as a Dragon Lord, I saw an opportunity to fulfill my aspirations. I was determined to impress the people of Kraghelm with my newfound abilities, and I believed Charlotte held the key to unlocking my potential.

Love at first sight had struck me like a bolt of lightning, filling my heart with boundless joy. Even if Charlotte treated me poorly, I was willing to endure it for the greater good. As long as Kraghelm was liberated from the Republic and I could contribute as a hero, Charlotte's disdain would be a small price to pay.

"Forge," I commanded, laying my hand upon the handcar. With a surge of magic, mechanical apparatuses materialized, and the handcar sprang to life. The pumping machine I had crafted hummed with energy, propelling us swiftly along the underground rails.

For ten tense minutes, we traversed eight kilometers of winding underground passages, emerging into an abandoned metro station just one kilometer from the bell tower. Stepping out into the heart of Kraghelm, we were met with a scene of devastation.

Towering skyscrapers surrounded us, their once vibrant facades now desolate and empty. The renowned dwarven shopping mall lay in ruins, a stark reminder of the chaos wrought by Gazelle Lockwood and the Republic of Dragons.

"This is... horrifying," Charlotte breathed, her voice heavy with disbelief.

Anger boiled within me, my fists clenching involuntarily. I despised the Republic for what they had done to our city, for imprisoning our people. The destruction of the bell tower was imperative to reclaiming our homeland.

"Let's move," I declared, my voice dripping with determination.

But Charlotte's sudden touch halted me in my tracks. As I turned to her, she flicked her brown hair aside, revealing a pair of striking crimson eyes fixed on the rooftops of the skyscrapers.

"There are watchmen everywhere," she announced, her tone urgent.

Impressed by her keen observation, I couldn't help but inquire, "How did you know?"

With a dismissive huff, Charlotte retorted, "I always take care of my delicate, beautiful eyes. My eyesight is far superior to you commoners."

In that moment, I couldn't help but agree. Charlotte's eyes were indeed mesmerizing, unlike any other dragonoid I had encountered.

"We'll need to neutralize them before we can proceed," Xenon, our team leader, interjected, his tone firm.

"Leave it to me, peasants," Charlotte declared, placing a hand proudly on her chest. "Just equip me with the right weapon, and I'll take them out, one by one."

"I'm your man!" I exclaimed eagerly.

"Whatever, Darlix," Charlotte retorted with a flick of her hair. "Craft me an M99 Sniper Rifle, 11.5 inches, recontoured grips, ion-bonded bolt carrier, and a magical suppressor. Load it with 7.62 silenced rounds."

Her request was incredibly specific, but I was determined to deliver. Focusing my mana, I visualized every detail of the sniper rifle she desired. "Forge," I murmured, and the weapon materialized in my hands.

"Ah, quite impressive," Charlotte remarked with a smile, her approval warming my heart.

"Here you go, my queen," I said, bowing as I presented the rifle to her.

Taking the weapon, Charlotte aimed at the rooftop of the mall. With a swift pull of the trigger, a bullet shot through the air, and moments later, a silhouette plummeted to the ground.

The kill was executed with such precision and silence that it went unnoticed by anyone who hadn't witnessed the body's fall from ten stories above.

"That was incredible, my queen!" I applauded.

"Yes, praise me more, peasant," Charlotte replied, her head held high.

"I knew you two would make a good team," Xenon commented. "Let's keep moving."

Our commando squad pressed on through the urban jungle, anticipation filling the air as we encountered enemy patrols. Whenever Charlotte spotted a threat atop a building, she'd request another rifle with her specific attachments, and I'd oblige without hesitation.

With each weapon I conjured for Charlotte, enemies atop the buildings fell like swatted insects.

"Darlix, make me an AWP attached with Trijicon acupoint, one-eight magical magnification," Charlotte commanded.

"Yes, my queen," I replied obediently.

"Darlix, make me a semi-auto M4 with custom bolt carrier release and charging handle. Textured warm grips," she ordered next.

"At your service, my queen," I responded, ready to fulfill her request.

"Darlix, make me a sandwich. Freshly cut tomato, non-GMO lettuce, and honey-cured bacon," she added casually.

"Your wish is my command, my queen," I said with a smile, amused by her sudden change of request.

Our venture through the ruined city was remarkably smooth. With my crafted weapons and Charlotte's exceptional sniping skills, we made swift progress, arriving at the foot of the Cathedral Exa's bell tower in Kraghelm thirty minutes ahead of schedule.

Standing there, a lone dragonoid with a white complexion, bowl-cut hair, and a thin stature awaited us. His crimson eyes and black uniform marked him as a member of the Republic, yet he seemed to anticipate our arrival, his gaze fixed upon us.

"I should take him out," Charlotte declared. "Darlix!"

"Right," I nodded, summoning an assault rifle for Charlotte without hesitation.

Charlotte's shot struck true, and the dragonoid guard fell lifelessly to the ground.

"Phew," I breathed, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "That guy gives me the chills."

But Charlotte and Xenon remained tense, their expressions indicating they hadn't let their guard down.

"Nice shot, sniper of the Daybreaker Squad," a voice echoed, sending a shiver down my spine.

Emerging from the bell tower's door was another figure, identical to the one Charlotte had just dispatched: crimson eyes, black uniform, skinny build, white skin, and a bowl-cut hairstyle. Without hesitation, Charlotte fired once more, and the clone crumpled to the ground.

However, to our horror, another identical figure stepped out from the tower, followed by another from the Cathedral Exa's doors, and another, and another. The seemingly endless stream of clones flooded out, each bearing the same chilling resemblance.

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