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"Activating Final Pulse."

In the void, a whispered declaration pierced through the shadows, a familiar voice barely audible. 

Subsequently, the rhythmic cadence of heartbeats reverberated within the obscurity that enveloped me. The pulsations resonated as my own, echoing through the emptiness. Amidst the darkness, a solitary star emerged, its feeble glow casting a dim radiance.

The heartbeat symphony began as a gentle hum, akin to a train gradually gaining momentum. With each passing moment, the beats intensified, transforming into a resounding crescendo that eventually overwhelmed my senses. The lone star responded, burgeoning in brilliance until it erupted into a blinding flash.

An involuntary scream tore through the void as I grappled with the sudden onslaught of light. As my vision adjusted, a familiar and comforting face materialized before me. The oni, adorned with elegant crimson horns resembling crowned ivories, gazed at me with caring eyes brimming with tears.

"Kate! Kate!" Mariko's voice surged as she rushed towards me, enveloping me in a tight embrace. "Thank goodness, you're alive!"

My fingers traced the back of her crimson hair, a surreal sense of warmth flooding over me. "Mariko?" I questioned, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "Is this heaven?"

Mariko scoffed, a mixture of laughter and tears escaping her. "No, you went back to the world of the living, dummy!"

"Doesn't matter. As long as you're with me, I feel like heaven," I chuckled, as though facing the brink of death and being revived was nothing more than a casual stroll in the park.

In the background, Hiraya and Lysander wore matching smiles, witnessing the exchange. "You still got the balls to charm and woo a woman even at the verge of death, Kate. You never change," Hiraya commented.

Grinning, I replied, "Well, I just wanted to be a good role model as a gentleman for Lysander's sake!" I offered them a thumbs up, prompting laughter from Hiraya.

However, Lysander, wearing a confused expression, muttered, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Mariko withdrew slightly from our embrace, her gaze shifting to Lysander. Hiraya and I also turned our attention to him. In unison, we burst into laughter, leaving Lysander completely bewildered. The white-haired demi-dragonoid scratched his head, utterly clueless about the inside joke that sailed over him.

Mariko rose from her position and extended her hand towards me. "Can you stand up?"

"I will always stand up for you, Mariko," I smiled, taking her hand and summoning the strength to rise on my feet.

Weakness still gripped me, my knees trembling as I surveyed the sword lying nearby, a silent witness to my recent demise. With a heavy heart, I grasped the hilt, attempting to lift it, yet the strength eluded me, leaving me struggling to even hoist it onto my shoulder. It seemed that I would have to drag this sword along the path ahead.

Turning my attention to the two stalwart figures of the Daybreaker Squad, Hiraya and Lysander, I inquired about their unexpected presence. "By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Mariko told me that you were killed by Dennis Cavalier," Hiraya disclosed. "That's why we'll be making slight adjustments to the plan."

Curiosity gnawed at me. "How did you guys revive me anyway?"

Mariko intervened, revealing a subtle yet significant detail. She parted her clothing, exposing the Mark of Vesryn nestled within her cleavage. "It was because of this."

I couldn't help but mutter, "Mariko, you are..."

She nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "Goddess Exceria—I mean, Hiraya, baptized me as a Dragon Lord. The Fourth Dragon Lord. Isn't it amazing, Kate? We onis has been waiting for the emergence of an oni Dragon Lord for a long time. And now, I learned that it was just me."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I tightened my grip on Mariko's cold hands. The weight of being a Dragon Lord settled on my mind, accompanied by concerns about potential conflicts arising once she bore the Mark of Vesryn. However, with Hiraya bestowing the mark, a subtle assurance crept in, tempering my worries.

"Mariko sacrificed the privileges of Dragon Lord Commandments just to revive you, Kate," Hiraya revealed. "She used all her power to make your heart beat once more. Be careful, as there will be no third life for you." Hiraya then turned to Mariko, her words resonating with gravity. "The same goes for you, Mariko. You may be a Dragon Lord, but you have sacrificed your immortality."

"I am fine with that. I never wanted to become immortal anyway," Mariko responded with determination. "As long as I can save the people dear to me, I will do whatever it takes."

I felt warmth spreading across my cheeks as my gaze fixated on Mariko. Softly, I uttered her name, almost a whisper on my lips. "Mariko."

"Kate," Mariko responded, her voice barely audible.

"Mariko." Again, I repeated her name, my movements drawing me nearer to her.

"Kate," Mariko echoed, matching my closeness with her own.



Hiraya smiled and clasped her hands. "Well then! Let's get back on track, shall we?"

"About time," Lysander muttered, gesturing toward the crimson pillar of light teeming with flying dragons. "Enemy reinforcements have arrived a while ago. We'll be back to square one."

"It matters not," Hiraya smirked. "We continue as planned, but with slight revisions." The golden-haired elf then shifted her focus to Mariko. "The ambassador of the Republic, Dennis, where is he?"

"Last time I know, he went back to the Main Onishira Shrine," Mariko disclosed, a shiver running down her spine at the memory of the loathsome figure.

"That bastard!" I roared, my grip on the sword tightening. "I will burn his ass to the ground once I see him!"

"Dude, you died the last time you fought him," Lysander remarked.

"Well, he can't kill me," I declared.

"He has," Lysander argued.

"He can't kill me twice!" I retorted.

Lysander shrugged in defeat. "Whatever floats your boat, Kate."

As we bantered, Hiraya and Mariko engaged in a conversation, their words audible to me since they made no effort to conceal their discussion.

"Mariko, do you know how the instant-kill magic of Dennis activates?" Hiraya inquired.

Mariko's frown deepened as she answered, "He just looks at the target, and his eyes will glow. As soon as you see his eyes glint, it's all over. No magical incantations, no speed cast, no hand gestures. That's how fast he uses his death magic."

"Hmmm..." Hiraya crossed her arms, drawing attention to her ample bosom. "So his death magic is activated visually, huh..."

After a brief contemplation, Hiraya clapped her hands excitedly, her smile akin to a proud mother pleased with her own cooking. "I do think that Kate will be a better match this time," she declared, turning to Mariko. "With the help of the Fourth Dragon Lord, their chance of winning against that Erudite of Death is about ninety-eight percent. As long as you listen to my plan." Hiraya wagged her index finger.

"Wait, you have a plan?" I asked, surprised. "Can we really do it?"

Lysander interjected, pointing out my shaky legs and inability to lift my sword. "Um, I don't think Kate can fight yet."

"Don't worry," Hiraya winked, directing her finger at me. "You don't need to fight. All you need to do is run, and Dennis will be defeated."

I had no clue how we could defeat a sage capable of instant-killing nearly anyone, but a sense of trust lingered as we considered Hiraya's plan. Listening to her guidance was always our best course of action.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now