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The past two nights had been sheer torment for me. Ever since Mariko and Earvin joined the ranks of the Daybreaker Squad and secured their own private quarters aboard the Windwalker, Kate and Gaeun followed suit, claiming separate rooms with their respective partners.

Now, I wasn't one to begrudge them their privacy. In fact, I welcomed the prospect of finally having some peace and quiet. Yet, despite their newfound seclusion, tranquility remained elusive.

Every night, like a relentless echo in a horror movie, the walls reverberated with a cacophony of moans and grunts. A symphony of passion that knew no bounds, accompanied by the rhythmic thudding of some unknown object against the wall. And then, the screams—piercing the silence of midnight with their primal intensity.

"Aaaaah! Right there, my prince! Don't... don't stop! Ah!"

"You're my angel! I'll take you to heaven and back!"

"Spread for me, my love. Let me show you the prowess of my blade."

"Talk dirty to me, my knight. Plunge your sword deep!"

I had no need to identify the voices; their identities were painfully obvious. All I knew was that they were depriving me of precious sleep, their impassioned cries a relentless assault on my senses. No matter how many times I tossed and turned, no matter how many pillows I pressed against my ears, their symphony of ecstasy persisted, shaking the very foundations of my sanity.

"I can't endure this any longer!" I exclaimed in frustration. "These peasants are multiplying like rabbits!"

Twice already, I had switched rooms in a futile attempt to escape their amorous exploits, yet their sounds haunted me still. My last resort lay in the Captain's Cabin, at the farthest end of the airship. Perhaps there, in the company of our esteemed leader Hiraya, I might find the respite I so desperately sought.

With eyes bloodshot, hair disheveled, and dark circles weighing heavily beneath my eyes, I gathered my pillow and blanket and ventured into the dimly lit corridors. Each step felt like a march towards salvation as I navigated my way towards the Captain's quarters, praying for a reprieve from the relentless serenade of passion.

I couldn't resist the temptation to peek as I approached the slightly ajar door of the Captain's room. Through the narrow opening, I caught sight of Hiraya, seated on her bed, her golden eyes glistening with tears. In her hands, she cradled the delicate white flower Éclair Damour, a poignant reminder of a distant memory—a gift from the peasant Lysander back in Onishira.

As if sensing my presence, Hiraya's elven ears twitched, and she turned to meet my gaze. With a gentle smile, she brushed away her tears with the sleeves of her sweater, setting the flower aside on her desk.

"Ah, Charlotte. What brings you here?" Her voice, though warm, belied the pain that lingered in her heart.

"Oh, Captain. I didn't mean to intrude," I stammered, suddenly feeling like an unwelcome guest. "I can come back later if you'd like."

"No, please, stay," Hiraya insisted, her smile unwavering. "I'd be happy to hear what's troubling you. Trouble sleeping?"

"Yeah," I admitted with a pout. "Those four lovebirds are at it again, making so much noise that sleep feels like a distant dream. I don't want to confront them—it wouldn't be very ladylike."

Hiraya chuckled softly, a hint of sympathy in her eyes. Then, her gaze drifted to the pillow and blanket I clutched in my arms.

"Would you like to stay here?" she offered, her tone gentle. "I don't mind at all."

"Really?" I asked, feeling a pang of guilt for burdening our gracious captain with my request.

"Sure, I'm tired of being lonely anyway," Hiraya replied as she rose from her seat, moving to tidy her bed. "Is this bed alright for you? Would you mind sharing? Or perhaps you'd like to join in on the moaning and groaning like those four?"

"I'm not into that, Hiraya," I protested, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks. "I just want to sleep."

"Ah, just kidding," Hiraya chuckled, finishing her task and indicating the empty space beside her. "Here."

I settled my pillow and blanket where she'd indicated, finding the queen-sized bed spacious enough for both of us. With the lights extinguished, we lay side by side, gazing up at the ceiling as our eyes adjusted to the darkness. Through the window, the night sky stretched out, adorned with a tapestry of twinkling stars.

Curiosity nagged at me, and I couldn't resist asking, "So... how's Lysander?"

"Alive, but his situation is dire," Hiraya responded solemnly. "I'll find a way to get him out of it. I just need more information to plan properly."

I sighed sympathetically. "I know it's a lot, Hiraya. You've got the whole Daybreaker Squad to look after. But remember what Kate and Gaeun told you? We're here to help, no matter what. I hate to admit it, but I'd even risk my life to bring that filthy peasant back to you."

"Thank you, Charlotte," Hiraya murmured gratefully. "It's because of you girls that I can find some semblance of a smile, even if it's forced."

"You don't have to force a smile all the time, Hiraya," I insisted softly. "You're allowed to cry, even when we're around."

Hiraya shook her head, her expression resolute. "No. As the Oracle, the reincarnation of Exceria, and as the captain of the Daybreaker Squad, I have to keep smiling. I can't risk dragging down the morale of the entire squad with my own struggles."

Our conversation shed light on the fragility that lay beneath Hiraya's outward strength and intelligence. She may project an image of invincibility, but behind her smiles lies a vulnerable girl yearning to reunite with her lost love. I had once dismissed her as a Mary Sue, but now I understood that she was simply an ordinary woman burdened with extraordinary responsibilities, acting as a mother figure to all of us.

In the comforting presence of Hiraya's aura, I found solace and tranquility, allowing myself to drift into a deep and restful sleep.


As sunlight streamed through the windows, rousing me from slumber, I blinked away the remnants of sleep and took in the morning's brightness. Glancing to the other side of the bed, I saw Hiraya still lost in the depths of sleep, her peaceful countenance belying the weight of her burdens. She must have been exhausted to sleep so soundly amidst her myriad responsibilities.

Deciding to let her rest a little longer, I turned my attention to the rising sun filtering through the glass panes. But before I could fully settle into the morning, a deafening explosion rocked the entire Windwalker Airship.

"Eeeek!" I cried out in shock, jolting upright.

"What was that!?" Hiraya exclaimed, wide awake in an instant.

As if in response to our bewildered voices, the ship's AI blared through the public announcement system, its tone urgent and dire. "Warning! Windwalker is under attack!"

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora