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I watched Billy's arrival home with a mix of amusement and concern. I know that when Billy comes home angry, it usually means trouble. However, there's a small part of me that finds it entertaining to see my usually composed friend so visibly worked up. Deep down, though, I am  also wary, knowing that Billy's mood swings can sometimes lead to impulsive actions that we might all regret later.

'' I can't believe you missed her, I bet your killer instincts took a coffee break.'' I remarked.

Billy was sitting on the couch, tapping his feet impatiently on the floor, hands turned into fists, and of course the dark look in his eyes.

'' Wait, you really missed her?'' I asked, eyeing him, I thought he was joking, but now I had to confirm.

He clenched his jaw, clearly frustrated.

'' I missed her, Stu. I had the perfect chance, and I missed it.'' He answered.

'' You missed? Billy '' Ghostface '' Loomis missed his shot? Now, that's a first.'' I mocked him, probably making things tough for myself.

'' You know, Stu, if it was you, you would'nt have been ale to scare Y/N like I did.'' He smiled, taunting me.

'' Like you are the master of scaring people.'' I scoffed.

'' I have got skills you can only dream of, Stu.'' He smirked, making me more offended.

'' Yea right, keep dreaming Billy-boy.'' I said while rolling my eyes at him.

Then again, he turned serious.

'' I got her all scared, if she didn't had the stupid idea of jumping through the window, she would have been dead by now'' He said in a harsh tone, placing his head in his hands.

'' That's called ' Will to live ' '' I laughed, hoping to making his mood easy.

'' Yea, and I will finish that ' will ' of hers''

The sound of the doorbell chiming got us both turn our heads towards the front door. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get it.

'' You going to get that or not?'' Billy asked annoyed, as the person was continuously pressing the door bell.

Before I could go, Billy abruptly stood up and made his way towards the door.

'' Stupid'' He muttered but I heard him.

I tried to take a peak at the person standing in front of Billy. The girl wrapped her arms around him as I got more confused.

He turned his head towards me, a look of regret on his face.

He soothed the girl's back, while whispering something in her ear. He led her in, and it was... Y/N. She looked like she escaped from hell itself. Her eyes were blood shot, still fresh tears formed in them, and her manner of walking made it clear her leg was hurt. She took a look at me, but couldn't manage to hold the contact.

Maybe if I stopped Billy today, she wouldn't be in this state. I felt bad for her. She looked so tired.

'' Stu! Get some water!'' Billy shouted, taking me out of my trance.

I hurried towards the kitchen to fill up a glass of water, and went to Y/N. She was curled up like a ball, besides her was sitting Billy, having his arm around her shoulder.

'' Y/N? What happened? Is she ok?'' I asked.

Although I hated asking this. Why was I even asking when I already knew the answer. Why the formality? I wish Billy changes his plan. I still remember when he said that he won't make Y/N a part of his dirty plan, but now look, she was the center of this all, getting hurt the most.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑮𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒀/𝒏 𝑿 𝑩𝒍Where stories live. Discover now