Chapter 23:The best plan is the one that is not told

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Saki stared at Kumagawa, face hidden behind her mask, as the words of him sinking left his mouth. Why can't he value his life a little more?

Saki:In that case, the hose-snorkeling plan is a no go...But Kumagawa-kun, right now, it's just that you can't use All Fiction because you're panicking from the water, but it's still possible for you to lay your hands on the Hero's Sword, right? You managed to touch it, grab the hilt, and try pulling on it, right? Since in the beginning, you just thought that you'd be able to sink down even without being able to swim and then pick up the sword.

Kumagawa:[That's right. Although the weight of the sword also matters.]

Saki:How weak do you have to be to not be able to carry a single sword, Kumagawa-kun...

Kumagawa:[Don't say it like that. Even in water, the weight of metal can be surprisingly heavy. So? With that as the assumption, what's your next idea, Saki-chan? I'll hear you out.]

Saki:Oh, shut up!

Checking the clock, Saki saw it was a little past 5 o'clock. Now was not the time to get infuriated by Kumagawa's attitude, they had less than an hour left and made no progress yet.

Saki:Then, maybe you can go once into the pool with a rope or something, or even a vinyl string used to tie magazines together, and then tie it around the hilt. Then you can come out of the water and use the rope or string to pull the sword out from the poolside like a game of tug-of-war.

Kumagawa:[Saki-chan, your ideas really all are lacking in stylishness, aren't they...You're turning this Arthurian legend into The Gigantic Turnip.]

Saki:Kumagawa-kun, aren't you being a little too strict on me!?

Kumagawa:[No, no, I'll properly evaluate it. It's true that with that method, we can avoid the barrier of water. Not a firewall, but a waterwall. However...]

Kumagawa pulled out a screw and pointed it at Saki. Even in such pressing times he wouldn't stop with his theatrics.

Kumagawa:[In that case, the second barrier comes back into play. The system that the Hero's Sword itself has, that allows only the chosen one to pull it out.]

Saki:What do you mean?

Kumagawa:[If I try to pull it out from that position, then I can't use All Fiction. In other words, my All Fiction can't reach the bottom of the pool from the poolside. It's too far.]

Saki:Ah, is that so...Since you're not touching it directly...

Kumagawa:[Well, it's not so strict a skill that I need to touch things directly...But at the very least, I need to have the Hero's Sword within my field of vision. If I just use a rope, then the surface of the water is too reflective to see the sword.]

Saki:It's surprisingly hard to use, that All Fiction.

Kumagawa:[That's for sure. It's extremely user-unfriendly. I can't take it back, either. Well, if I have to say it, then it's kind of like a magic trick. If I really wanted to cheat, then I could make the very concept of time itself as if it never existed, so that the time limit of 6 PM never arrives, which means that technically I would never lose, but what do you think, Saki-chan?]

Saki:I don't think you should do that.

Kumagawa:[Then I won't.]

Kumagawa obediently listened to what she said, although she had no intention of conceitedly thinking that he did actually listen to what she said. It was probably just another one of Kumagawa's characteristic whims.

Kumagawa would choose not to destroy the world simply because there was a TV show he wanted to watch in the evening. That was just the the type of guy he was.

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