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[A l l i s o n]

"uh yeah,it's Allison" I stuttered.
Niall freaking Horan just talked to me.

i could imagine the scenery where he asks for a pencil and wink at me,when he asks me out,when he kisses my lips or when our hands touch. oh god i'm really good at imagining stuff that might not happen.

"alright,can I borrow a pencil? mine broke for no apparent reason" he asked.

my heart fluttered as i handed him a pencil.

"thanks,you're a life saver" he smiled.

"you are" i whispered.

"what was that?" he turned his head facing me.

"uhh you're welcome" i smiled awkwardly.

he flashed me a small smile as he payed his attention to the teacher. literature was so boring, i almost fell asleep.

i stole a couple of glances of Niall. he licked his lips a couple of times and thats where i lost my mind.

this boy is driving me crazy.

"Ms.Haydon?" mr.whatshisname called.

"yeah?" i snapped out of my daydream.

"admiring Mr.Horan there,arent you?" he laughed like its a joke.

i mean,it is a joke but it isnt funny.

"what?" i said,pretending not to know what hes talking about.

he sighed then said "please pay attention" then continued teaching.

I probably looked like an idiot now damn it.

i can hear Niall's cute giggles. i looked like an idiot. oh god please let it be over.


finally,the awkwardness is already over. thank you god.

i packed up my stuff and shoved them into my bag.

i raced out the door because i didnt want to make a fool out of myself in front of the classroom,especially Niall. mr.whatshisname embarrasses us when we make some dumb mistakes, academically or physically.

and i'm just running away from his mean comments.

"Allison" someone called out my name.

i turned around to see Niall running up to me.

"you walk so fast" he said as he tried to catch his breath. "you forgot your pencil."

i'm such an idiot.

"oh yeah,thanks" i smiled as i took my pencil from his hands.

"you're welcome" he smiled back.

as i was going to spin around and walk to Math, Niall grabbed my wrist and i forced myself to turn around again. (i hope this makes sense to you im so sorry)

"that was harsh" i said,rubbing my wrist.

"sorry,i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out" he blushed.

my heart stopped beating and i just wanted to collapse on the floor. me? hangout? with him?

"hangout?" I blurted.

he nodded his head and scratched behind his neck.

i hesitated then simply said "yes" with an enthusiastic voice.

"great" he said. "3.30 at the park?"

"that'll be amazing" i smiled broadly.

he smiled and winked at me. yes,winked. ASDJKGH

"see you tomorrow, Allison" he said and walked away.

i was standing there like a big idiot who just got asked to hangout by the school's heartthrob.

today took an unexpected turn oh god.

so we update every Tuesdays and it's Wednesday today. the reason why I didn't update yesterday was that i forgot and I procrastinate.

bare with me alright?

thank you for over 70 reads💓 we appreciate it so much





have a good day☺️💘


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