n i n e[2]

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[ N i a l l ]

"bro damn you better get ready" riley said as he took a sip of his soda.

"it's still early, besides i need to finish this level" i said while i payed my concentration on the game.

"what do you like about allison?" riley asked as he took a bite of his doritos.

i paused the game and looked at him.

"i don't know bro, she's just.. special" i said as i leaned back on the couch.

"you said that when you were dating kylie for god sakes" riley laughed.

"but allison, she's different. when you look at her biting her pencil in math class, you just go insane you know? when you see her in the school halls, your heart just beats really fast and you don't want to screw up in front of her," i took a deep breath and continued.

"the way she pins her bangs and curls her hair, it's just perfect. her strawberry lips and cute little dimple on her cheek. she's just perfect. her voice, her stammering, perfect" I finished.

"damn.." riley simply answered, "that's how i feel about her too, you know, allison, but i know you like her and she likes you and I don't want to get in the way, plus i have my eye on another girl"  he laughed.

"who?" i asked.

"Holland Roden" he laughed.

i chuckled and continued playing my game.

"where are you taking her?" riley asked.

"the Fig and Olive restaurant" i replied.

"that's pricy" riley said.

"i know but i told my dad about the date and he let me borrow his credit card" i explained.

"damn i'm sure she'll love it" riley said.

"i sure hope so."

"you got your tux?" riley asked as he was finding me a mint green tie.

I got out of my fitting room and showed riley my tuxedo.

"damn man you're on fire" riley laughed as he handed me the tie.

i wore the tie and sprayed some men cologne. i wore my watch and did my hair.

"do i look okay?" i asked riley.

"you look hot" riley laughed. "good luck man" riley grabbed me by the shoulder and gave me a bro hug.

i pulled away and grabbed my car keys and wallet and a bouquet of flowers i got for allison and i headed out the door.

"6.59pm, perfect timing" i whispered to myself as i climbed out of my car.

i walked to allison's front door and ringed the bell.

"coming" a faint voice replied behind the door.

gem opened the door and smiled.

"hey niall" she smiled.

"hey gem, where's allison?" i asked.

"ally your romeo is here" gem shouted as she smirked.

allison ran to the door and when she saw me, she blushed and looked away.

i gazed at her. she looked beautiful. she is beautiful. her mint green dress matched my tie and her curled hair. beautiful. her natural makeup and her pink nude lipstick, amazing. her mint green vans, i laughed slightly at the sight of that.

"i'm sorry that i'm using vans, i tend to fall when using heels and i don't want that to happen on this perfect night" she began stuttering.

"it's fine" i smiled as i eyed her up and down. "besides, i'm using a pair too" i showed her my black vans that i was wearing.

she giggled and smiled.

i handed her the bouquet of flowers and she thanked me. she quickly placed them on the kitchen counter and i took her by the waist and leaned in.

and my lips touched hers.

we moved in sync. it felt good to have her soft lips on mine again. it's so addicting. she's so addicting. I'm addicted, to her.

teEN WOLF IS RUINING MY LIFE but that's okay 👌🏻

hey guys💓 I promised to do a chapter 9B on Niall's POV and here it is!❤️

how was your day? i hope it's going well ☺️❤️

if it's not, it'll be fine, don't give up!💗

vote and comment for this bonus chapter 😉

i love you all so much! 2K reads! it's insane 💖💖💖💖💖 THANK YOU ALL AHHHHHH❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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