happy late new year!

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happy late new year fam so tomorrow both of us are going to be in school again and stuff so change of updating schedule.

we update when we can or when we're free or when we feel like it, which is anytime. honestly, having to write on tuesdays every week is a little hard because you might never know what happens. if we rush on a chapter, it'll turn quite sloppy and less amazing.

personally, i like to write in my own time, not forced. it's more better like that. there are a few chapters that turned out very sloppy and i was not pleased with but i had no choice to post it because i was late on updating.

a few more chapters didnt made any sense to recent chapters since i had to rush on writing and posting until the content didnt made any sense.

i spent my time re-reading the book, and let me say, we have come far and we are very proud.

i might be editing a few chapters to make sense with recent ones.

and since we reached our goal of 12k reads, we'll be shouting out 1 account every chapter and maybe some story recommendations.

and since it's 2016, i will expose my name to the internet.

my middle name is Humayra :)

tysm for an amazing year, i hope your 2016 will be a memorable one.

expect a new chapter later ;)


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