t w e l v e

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"i want to show you something," Niall spoke as he turned his head to face me with his hands on the steering wheels. i looked out the window and saw tall trees surrounding the area much like a small forest and a small road just big enough for the car to drive along.

after the small encounter with the bitch and her non-stop flirty actions, which Niall totally ignored during the whole meal, he again insisted to pay and told me to wait by the car.

"where are we going?"

"well, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Niall smirked as he turned his gaze back to the road.

i tried to think about this particular place and why Niall would want me to see it. it must me pretty special then. are we going on a picnic? maybe hiking? no it cant be. i guess, i'll just have to wait.

"are we there yet?"

"calm down, Haydon," he laughed. to brighten the mood, he turned the radio on and Katy Perry blasted through the speakers.

we both sang along to the words as loud as we can with mine being a little off-key. okay, maybe a lot. but Niall didnt seem to mind. he actually has a nice voice.

we were both laughing so hard even when the song ended and Niall did a small bow as he dropped his 'microphone'.

before i knew it, Niall had stopped the car and parked beside the path closer to the trees.

he stepped out and helped me down as he took my hand and led me down the forest. my heart started beating fast and an uneasy feeling started crawling through my body. i slowed down my movements and looked at Niall.

"you're not gonna murder me are you?"

"what? Allison," he chuckled. "oh yeah im definitely gonna murder my date here in the middle of the woods and let the birds eat your body."

i stopped walking and stared at him.

"im joking babe," he winked. "cmon, i promise you, you'll like this."

he intertwined out hands together and looked to the ground, warning me to watch out for roots and rocks.

"where are we?" i asked out of curiosity.

"almost there," he answered with a smile.

i huffed and climbed over a big stone, luckily i was wearing sneakers.

suddenly, i feel myself slip on the rock and i let out a shriek as i held onto Niall's shoulder.

he placed his hand on my hip to steady me and i see him leaning down towards me. i was frozen to my spot and he whispers into my ear.

"clumsy much?" he chuckles.

i swat at his arms and pouted, folding my arms across my chest. he started laughing at my reaction and held out his hand.

"want a piggy back ride?" he offers.

when i didnt reply him, he stepped behind me as he carried me and shifts me to his back. i giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he started walking again.

a few minutes later, i realized that we had stepped into a small abandoned clearing, the grass was tall and moves slighty due to the light wind. there were little flowers scattered on the ground as well as dried leaves. Niall put me down as he came across a huge rock and sat on it.

i surveyed my surroundings and i noticed a stream on the left side of the clearing and an old tree house with vines beside it. everything in here looks so peaceful and quiet. it's an amazing place.

i looked back at Niall and he beckons me over and pats the empty space on the rock next to him. i sat down, swinging my legs back and forth, palms behind my back for support.

"i used to come here when i was little," he said. Niall put his arm around my shoulder as i lean onto him.

"see that tree house over there?" i nodded. "me and riley build it when we were about seven with my dad."

"why'd you bring me here?" i glanced at him, admiring his eyes.

a few seconds later, he answered," i sometimes come here to think and rest when im stressed out, or when i feel like being alone. i find it..calming with no one here to disturb me. its actually prettier when its at night, with the stars everywhere. plus its a good place to practice sports."

"this is my secret place, and now its yours too," he smiled at me.

we sat there for a while in a comfortable silence, not saying anything, just enjoying the fresh air and the moment.

"the view is beautiful," i finally breathe out.

"it is." i turned around and saw him staring at me.

he leans down for a kiss and we were both lost in the moment, but something tells me that he wasn't talking about the clearing.

HEEYY hope you guys enjoy!! ☺️❤️ -J

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