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It's been three days since jungkook is ignoring taehyung...
He is not the one who he used to be early...
Last two days he was not coming home at night and ignoring taehyung whenever he asked for him

Taehyung started feeling anxious about this behaviour...he knew that jungkook loves him more than anything in this world but deep down in his mind he thought that jungkook is been distant with him or maybe he found someone more beautiful than taehyung

And to add to that suspicion one of the neighbours told taehyung that jungkook has been visiting a woman at night and comes out of the room only after the day broke

This was a base less talk as the neighbour told taehyung that he was not able to see his face clearly but his appearance looked just like jungkook

It was the night of the 3rd day when jungkook decided to end it all at once

Jungkook's heart weighed heavy as he stood outside the door, his hand trembling as he reached for the doorknob. He knew what he had to do, but the pain of betrayal gnawed at his soul.

Inside, Taehyung paced anxiously, his mind swirling with worry. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Jungkook had been acting strangely ever since they returned from their romantic getaway.

Finally, Jungkook mustered the courage to enter their apartment. Taehyung's eyes darted to him, a mixture of relief and concern flashing across his face.

"Where have you been?" Taehyung's voice trembled with emotion. "You said you'd be back hours ago."

Jungkook avoided his gaze, his heart aching at the hurt he was about to inflict. "I had some things to take care of."

"Things?" Taehyung's brow furrowed in confusion. "You've been acting strange lately, Kookie. Is something bothering you?"

Jungkook looked at anything but taehyung and replied in a cold voice" why does that even matter to you?"

Taehyung got angry as he lost the last string of patients he was holding into him
" And does that 'THINGS' include you sleeping with someone at night?"

Jungkook looked at taehyung as he saw the feeling of betrayal in his eyes" as you already think that it's true... Why bother asking me?"

Taehyung whisper yelled holding the hem of jungkook 's shirt "because I want to hear the truth... Because I want to hear you say that the thing I heard is not true"

"Please tell me jungkook it's not true... Tell me that you didn't betrayed me" taehyung asked crying as he placed his head in the crock of jungkook 's neck

Jungkook's throat tightened as he struggled to find the words. "Taehyung, we need to talk."

Taehyung's eyes widened and he backed himself and looked at jungkook's never so cold eyes... He thought that jungkook wants to clear the misunderstanding and he replied" yes koo! You have my ears!"

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook steeled himself for what was to come. "I... I can't do this anymore, Taehyung. Us... It's over."

Taehyung felt as if the ground had been ripped out from beneath him. "What do you mean it's over? Jungkook, please, you can't just leave me like this."

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he fought to keep his composure. "I'm sorry, Taehyung. I just can't do this. Goodbye."

With those final words, Jungkook turned and walked out the door, leaving Taehyung alone in their shattered world.

As Jungkook made his way through the empty streets, his heart shattered into a million pieces. He knew he had made the right choice, but it didn't make it any easier. The weight of his decision pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket, choking him with guilt and sorrow.

But deep down, Jungkook held onto a sliver of hope. Hope that one day, Taehyung would understand the sacrifice he had made. Hope that their love would conquer all, even the darkest of betrayals.

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