Going Back

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"Hangyuuuul" I called my son because he is going to be late for school. "Yes Dada, coming!" he answered. He grew up to be a very polite and considerate boy which makes me very proud of myself; that even as a single parent I was able to raise him to be kind.

"Okay, so what did I tell you? what are the things you always have to remember?" I asked my son.

"I will never talk to any adults that I don't know. If someone asks me to come with them, I should stay away and tell my teacher. Only Dada, Uncle Junnie and Uncle Hao can pick me up from school. If I feel like I get bullied, tell teacher and call Dada." he answered, "Good boy" I said while I am patting his head. "Don't do that dada you are ruining my hair" he protested which made me laugh. Time sure flies fast, my little boy is now becoming more conscious of his body. Sooner or later, he will start looking for his father; a moment I am still not ready to face, and I don't think I will ever be ready.

"Okay baby, let's go." I told him and then went and started the car. I will be dropping him off today before I go to work.

After I dropped my son off, I drove to the office. I am currently working as a fashion editor in one of the biggest fashion magazines in the world. If you ever wonder how a single father was able to climb the ladder and have a successful career despite all the responsibilities of raising a child, well, what I can say is, I got lucky. I got lucky, to have met wonderful people who helped me from the day I stepped in this country, the moment I discovered my pregnancy till I gave birth, and the actual process of raising and taking care of my child.


Jun and Minghao, the lovely chinese couple, were the first people I met. I was lucky to meet them through an online platform for people who wish to rent a room. During the time, they were renting out their spare bedroom, I was the lucky one they chose probably because I was also asian. They were the ones who saw all my hardships when I was running out of money because I can't find a job. Add the fact that after 2 months I started experiencing morning sickness, who would have thought that I can get pregnant. When the couple took me for a check up we were all flabbergasted, "a grown ass male getting pregnant?!" I exclaimed in disbelief, I thought maybe there was a mistake. How can it be? But then the Head Obstetrician in the hospital called us for a private meeting.

Doctor: Good Morning Mr. Jeon and Mr. Wen, before I start let me introduce myself. I am Doctor Park Chanyeol, I am the head Obstetrician in this hospital and is also a researcher in Stanford Maternal & Child Health Research institute.

ALL: Good Morning Doctor
Wonwoo: Doctor can you please go straight to the point as to why you called us here.

Doctor: "chuckles" I am sorry if I came across as intimidating or if this meeting has apprehended you in any way, but i have to make sure I get all necessary information across so you will understand.

ALL: "nods"

Doctor: As you may all heard, Mr. Jeon, you are 9 weeks pregnant. I know you are surprised, scared even.

Wonwoo: Doctor, I am a man, how was that possible?

Doctor: Mr. Jeon, you are not the only one. There were a few recorded cases of men getting pregnant and giving birth but they were handled in complete confidentiality. Some of them died due to complications of childbirth. My husband was one of them. My research is not yet complete but what I can share with you is that we are experiencing evolution. As organisms, we are capable of mutation, adaptation and evolution. As of now I am still unable to determine when this development starts whether it was in the womb or after puberty, but setting all that aside, our current priority will be you Mr. Jeon, and your child's health.

Jun: Doctor, do you think this is going to be dangerous for wonwoo?

Doctor: All pregnancies are subjected to danger Mr. Wen, even that of females. That is why we encourage them to have regular checkups and have a healthy diet, take their vitamins and perform light exercises.

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