Not Evil

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I asked Mingyu to go and play with the kids while I went with DK inside his room. I am sure he knows he is partly at fault for what happened because he had been careless, but I am not that sensitive to rub salt into his wounds. I am sure he is already blaming himself as it is, but in my mind, there is nothing we can do anymore. He is pregnant, and a child is a blessing. As a friend, I should make him feel that I will never leave him during this challenging moment.

DK: I am such an idiot, I never learned anything!

Wonwoo: (caresses DK's back calming him down) hey, don't say that. A child is still a blessing.

DK: I am not blaming this child Wonwoo, but myself.(cries) I already have Wonbin, He is already asking me about his father and God knows how many stories have I fabricated. How will I explain to him that I am pregnant? A stork delivered this baby?

Wonwoo: I know how difficult it is DK, trust me I have been there. But the truth will set you free. You cannot fool your son forever, and Joshua deserves to know too. You will never know unless you do it. You cannot let yourself be eaten by anxiety overthinking about how people will react knowing what they should know. Joshua may accept it or not, but at least you can move on. And hey, We are here for you.

DK: Thank you Wonwoo, for always giving me courage. I know what I have to do but the thought of getting rejected by him still scares me. I will probably be okay if it was just me, but now I have children, they don't deserve to be rejected. But if I tell Wonbin the truth without telling Joshua first, Wonbin will grow full of hatred towards his father. I don't want that.

Seeing DK in a state I once been saddens me. I know I am not one to talk. It took me a while to gather courage. Besides our situations have a huge difference. Mingyu and I are a couple, He and Joshua are not. So Mingyu accepting Hangyul was quite easy. But thinking about the playboy Joshua Hong? I cant just imagine. But still, I believe he is not evil. He will take action once he proved he had children.

DK had calmed down now. It was a bit late, the children had school tomorrow so we have to say our goodbyes.

DK: Thanks for coming over Wons, and Mingyu, Thanks.

Wonwoo: Anytime for you bestie.

Mingyu: No worries DK, but you owe me stories.

Wonwoo: (slaps Mingyu's back) stop it you nosy!

DK: (laughs) I know, I am sorry Gyu. Just ask Wonwoo to fill you in. I trust you.

Mingyu: You heard that? (teasing wonwoo)

Wonwoo: you are annoying.

The moment we got home I was barraged by a ton of questions from this busybody. Gosh, who would think this is the owner of the biggest company in this country. I guess people are people and no one can resist juicy scoops. Kidding aside, I am surprised as to how quickly we are able to regain this type of dynamic with one another. As if nothing happened in the last 9 years. Well, the heart wants what it wants, I don't wanna overthink anymore, I will just go with the flow, I love him, he loves me, we have a child. We had a painful past but I see how he tries his best to cover it up with good memories. I appreciate all his efforts both to me and our son. I am not yet letting him in my heart fully, I still think it is too quick for that, but this heart is still his. It was always his.

And so I was able to tell him DK's story from beginning to end and you can clearly see the disbelief in his face.

Mingyu: So it was that bastard Joshua!

Wonwoo: I am warning you Kim Mingyu, I am gonna chop your balls if you say this to anyone.

Mingyu: I promise I won't. But it was just unbelievable, that bastard always expressed disgust over same sex relationships

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