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I took a leave from work today because Minghao was due for his monthly check up. I was telling DK to go with him but it was difficult since the doctor is going to be his baby daddy. It is not like Joshua is the only OB in town, but he is the only one who specialises in pregnant men, how that homophobic bastard ended up that way? I really had no idea. Less workload same income perhaps?

I heard my phone rang and saw a message from DK and it seemed like it was sent through a group chat. "Single Mother's Club" Hilarious. Just by reading that GC name I already knew it was Minghao who made it.

Wonwoo: What the hell is this single mother's club?

Minghao: It is our group, We stick together and we got each other's backs. Who else will look after us than one another.

Wonwoo: Silly!

Minghao: I just wanna be closer to DK too, everytime you guys talk I am feeling a bit left out, I like him too.

Wonwoo: He is just going through a tough time lately. You know it.

Minghao: I totally understand him and that is why I want him to come with me in my check ups too. The first trimester is a very important stage in pregnancy, his child might develop problems if not nourished well.

Wonwoo: I have been telling him that and I hope he realises it. He was lucky Wonbin grew up healthy even when he just self medicated most of the time.

So I checked DK's message and replied.


DK: Good Morning guys!!! Take care on your check up Hao I am excited for you.

Minghao: Thanks, Hey, you should come and get checked too, my doctor is really good, and hawwwwwt!

DK: hehe

Wonwoo: LMAO

Minghao: Why are you guys laughing?

Minghao gave me a look after he sent that reply.

DK: Sorry Minghao, As much as I would love to go on check ups with you, there is a bit of a problem.

Minghao: Problem?

DK: Promise me, you wont freak out, and you will never tell... please, uoi are my friend now too and I trust you

Minghao: Of course! but I am really lost right now.

Wonwoo: LMAO

Minghao: Quit laughing at me bitch

DK: The father of my baby

Minghao: Okay???? What about him?

DK: Is Joshua...

Minghao: Okay so Joshua is the father of your ba— what the hell!!! how did that happen? when did it happen? I know he is one fine man but girl you are quick! you just met when I got hospitalised!

Wonwoo: Calm down!

DK: hehe... actually it is a very long story...

Minghao: don't hehe me! fill me in, I wont be able to sleep like this!

DK:(tells everything to Hao)

Minghao: hmmmm, never thought he was an asshole too, you however, is somehow at fault with this second baby. Don't get me wrong, it is still a blessing and I know you will love your baby so much, but that was freaking reckless of you. Are you even ready? financially? physically? emotionally? Does your son know about this? how will you tell him about this? Kids are young but they are not idiots soon he will grow up and realise how kids are made and then will start questioning you how you got pregnant without him seeing even the shadow of his father. What will he think of you then?

Lost Love(MinWon) ffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin