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I headed straight home after an exhausting day from work. Nothing is different from the last 8 years. Everything is the same that I got used from this routine. So I went straight to have a bath and relax. I opened my phone to see if there are any important messages I need to respond to before I hit the bed. But all i read were messages from my dad confronting me about what happened with Irene earlier.

Can't this geezer give me a damn break! I cursed, but before I was even able to switch my phone off again, there he is, calling me.

Dad: You ungrateful bastard how dare you!

Mingyu: What did I do this time? (answered coldly)

Dad: You know what I am talking about stop playing dumb!

Mingyu: If this is about that nonsense with Irene Im hanging up, I got more important things to deal with tomorrow.

Dad: You son of a bitch! you are marrying her soon, she is kind enough to allow your bullshit even when it is so obvious you are just dragging everything because you are still waiting for that homosexual man!

Mingyu: Maybe you are right, I am waiting for him, and I still love him very much even after all these times. I love him so much I cant even appreciate anybody else.

Dad: Get your act together you moron! you know what I can do! If we lose the Bae family as investors it is gonna hurt our company a lot! How can you face thousands of employees when you are about to tell them they all lost their jobs because of your poor decisions!

Mingyu: .....

Dad: If worst things happen to the company I built with all my blood and soul, you will see what is gonna happen to your wonwoo!

Mingyu: What more do you want! He already left! He is gone! He is not coming back! I hurt him! because of you I hurt him! and i regret is every single day! Dont you dare hurt him even more! I swear I'd kill you!

Dad: Can you? what can a little mouse do? you failed to protect him once and you will always fail protecting him (laughs) You are lucky Irene likes you so much she convinced her father to still merge with us even when you are not married yet, otherwise I would have forced you to marry her already. I need a grandson! you and I are not getting any younger!

Mingyu: Now you want to decide when I will have a child too? remarkable! you really have some amusing ideas.

Dad: I don't care about your nonsense! I am expecting you and Irene to be wed before the year ends! I am not accepting any more dramas about this, If Irene is okay with it, I am not! and I will make sure this happens.

Mingyu: You can't make me!

Dad: Are you sure? I know your weakness my son, dont dare me(smirks)

Mingyu: (clenches jaws, grips his phone tightly)

Dad: Just to inform you, I know where your beloved ex is(laughs) so you better be a good boy and obey daddy if you want to at least make sure he remains breathing.

Mingyu: DEMON!

I already cut the call, just a few minutes of talking to him drains me mentally and emotionally. I always ask God why he brought me into that kind of family. O would have chosen a simpler life full of love than this wealthy life but empty.

He knows where Wonwoo is. How? and where was he exactly. I miss him damn much. I dont know how I can face him with everything that happened. I know I deserve his anger, but I know it's gonna cause me so much pain to see his love turned into hatred. I don't think I will ever be ready to witness those eyes, which ones looked at me with adoration, now look at me with disgust.

Lost Love(MinWon) ffOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora