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After the three went home, Wonwoo guided Minghao to the guestroom and told him to have a rest first before having dinner and just leave his stuff for tomorrow. Wonwoo then asked Hangyul to change his clothes and check if he had any assignments for tomorrow.

Wonwoo: Baby, tell me if you need help with anything okay, Dada is just going to prepare dinner. Also, let uncle Hao rest he is very tired, he will play with you once he has rested.

Hangyul: Okay Dada!

After 2 hours Hangyul had already finished his school works and Wonwoo was done preparing dinner. Wonwoo askes Hangyul to check on his Uncle Hao and tell him dinner is ready.

Hangyul: knock knock

Hao: coming baby!( opens his door)

Hangyul: Uncle Hao did you cry? who made you cry?

Hao: No Baby I think this was just because I just woke up and I did not have enough sleep last night too so my eyes seemed red.

Hangyul: Oooh Okay Uncle! come on it is dinner time, Dada cooked something really nice.

Hao: I am sure it is going to be delicious!

Hao is trying his best to show that he is happy but Wonwoo knows he is in pain. Well he knows that very well because he had been there too. Jun and Hao were the ones who saved him during those tough moments and now he knows this is the time he pay them back. By making sure he helps Hao get through this just like how they helped him.

After dinner, Hao offered to clean the dishes but Wonwoo declined and said he should just rest or play with Hangyul. They watched TV for a few minutes then Wonwoo told Hangyul to drink his milk and brush his teeth.

Hangyul was now sleeping and the two adults were sitting in the coffee table in the balcony. It was a very silent moment and no one spoke. Wonwoo just lets it be, he is respecting Minghao. If he refuses to talk about anything then he should just be there beside him and if he decides to open up, then he is always ready to listen.

Hao: Thanks a lot Wonwoo

Wonwoo: Minghao, you are my family, please dont ever forget that. Family help each other. I understand your experiences are different and your pain is different compared to what I have experienced but I can definitely say that it is painful.  During those dark times in my life, I found you and Jun, and you guys brought me back to my feet and I will forever be grateful. Now, it is my turn.

Hao: Won, I never expected anything from you when we helped you. It just felt right.

Wonwoo: And just like now for me, this feels right Hao. I will never leave your side please remember that.

Hao: (teary eyed) but I cannot be a free loader here! I should at least help you pay rent or bills. I should get a job!

Wonwoo: Well about that, you need not to worry about it because this house is free, a company perk (winks). But, that night I actually messaged you for a job offer. If none of these happened you probably would have already done the interview by now. But hey, things happen for a reason

Hao: I still don't know anything about this offer but I am already in, what do I have to do.

Wonwoo: Well, just send me your CV and I will forward it to Mr. Choi and the HR then we can just wait for their call for an interview. Its for the Art director position for fierce magazine and I know you are the perfect fit. So, I know this is not confirmed yet but let us already manifest it! Welcome to Fierce Korea Mr. Minghao Xu-Wen

Hao: A pleasure to be a part of your team Mr. Jeon


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