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2 hours after the doctor's visit, Minghao woke up.

DK: Hey, how are you feeling?

Hao: Where am I? what happened?

DK: Wonwoo found you unconscious in your bathroom so he called the ambulance and sent you to the hospital.

Hao: Where is Wons? why are you here?

DK: He asked me to look after you because he said he really have important work to do.

Hao: Thank you so much and I apologize for being a burden

DK: you are welcome Hao and please do not say you are a burden. We are friends now and this is what friends do.

Hao smiled after hearing what DK said, he realized, that in life, you will really lose some people but then you will also gain some, and he felt so lucky with his current circle.

DK: The doctor came 2 hours ago but you were still unconscious, would you like me to inform the nurse so they can call him?

Hao: Did the doctor say anything about my condition?

DK: He said your information is confidential and since I am not your next of kin, he cannot disclose those details to me without your consent.

Hao: Oh, I see, I hope it's nothing serious.

DK: let me go to the nurses station and inform them okay? are you feeling hungry? I can go to the cafeteria to get you some food. I am sorry, I got hungry I ate your hospital food(chuckles)

Hao: I am alright DK, I still feel a bit sick on my stomach so I don't think it's a good idea to eat now.

DK: if you say so, but if you change your mind you can tell me

Hao nods and smiles and after that DK headed out.

It is almost time for Wonwoo to clock out. It was a very tiring day for him but he managed to hit his target. There are still a few things on his to-do list before the opening party, but he is glad to have covered most of them even when Hao is not present.

Wonwoo: Thanks for today team

Everyone: See you tomorrow Wons!

Wonwoo  thought about the kids. The kids were dismissed 30 minutes ago but he know DK wont be able to pick them up as he asked him to look after Hao. He gave DK a call just to confirm whether the kids were picked up or not.

Wonwoo: Hello DK, whats up? are you guys okay there?

DK: He already woke up, are you already done with work?

Wonwoo: yes I am about to go there now

DK: Okay, so then I can come pick the kids after you arrive.

Wonwoo: don't worry about it, I will pick them up then go with them, I am sure Hangyul will bug me to see his uncle Hao.

DK: sure, we will wait for you guys then.

After that call, Wonwoo hurried to his car and drove to school. He found Hangyul and Wonbin sitting near the guard house where they usually wait for DK.

Hangyul: Dada!!!

he came running to give his father a hug.

Wonwoo: I missed you baby, hello Wonbin, have you been good?

Wonbin: Uncle?

Wonwoo: yes?

Wonbin: where is my papa? why didn't he pick us up today?

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