That Night

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I woke up and found myself alone in bed. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. It has been so many years but nobody has made my body fee this way. Last night happened so fast and everything was so unexpected. I just went to the club to meet with Seungcheol hyung to introduce myself to the staff Fierce Korea as one of their investors.


Tonight, I agreed to meet with Seungcheol hyung because all the important people of Fierce Korea will be present and he told me it will be very important to myself to them. I was getting dressed when I heard someone knocking on my penthouse. It was Irene apparently, what a way to ruin my night even before it started.

Mingyu: What are you doing here?

Irene: Well, are we not going to meet with your hyung and the staff of the new magazine?

Mingyu: You are not invited, only I am.

Irene: Well as your fiancee, one of us being invited is as good as inviting both of us, we are one darling, you should always remember that.

Mingyu just rubbed his hands on his face letting the woman win because he does not want to argue.

Mingyu: Okay, let me finish getting ready.

The two went to the club and was welcomed by Seungcheol.

Seungcheol: Mr. Kim and Ms. Bae, Good evening, thank you for coming to my invitation.

Irene: Pleasure Mr. Choi.

As Mingyu and Seungcheol were talking, Mingyu noticed a familiar figure who walked past them but he ignored. He thought it would be impossible to see him in such a very random place. And what will he be doing with the people of fierce korea. Ridiculous Mingyu, you must have missed him so much so you see him everywhere now.

Little did Mingyu know that Irene saw Wonwoo clearly and just pretended she did not see him because she never wanted them to meet again. She tried so hard to separate them in the past, she will never let them meet again, not now when they were about to get married.

Feeling anxious, Irene tried to convince Mingyu to go home.

Irene: Babe, can we go home now? I am not feeling well.

Mingyu: We just came, I have not even met anyone yet aside from Cheol Hyung

Irene: But I no longer want to be here, please can you listen to me for once.

Mingyu: No one forced you to be here, you Invited yourself and now you will ruin my night? Go home alone if you want, why dont you call your driver?

Irene: Do you hear yourself Mingyu! Is this how you treat your woman?

Mingyu: Excuse me Irene, you are just a woman and will never be MY WOMAN, when I commit myself to a responsibility I do them properly, tonight is an important night where I have to meet and know the people behind the business I'm investing on and it will never be the likes of you who can make me go against my work ethic. Now you can choose to stay here and shut that mouth or you can call your driver so you can go home. (mingyu said in a calm yet imposing manner)

Irene: I hate you!!! I will make sure your dad and my dad hears about this!

Mingyu: Yeah that is the only thing your good at, show me more things about you that would make me not wanna marry you.

Irene stormed out of the venue angrily and with that Mingyu apologised to the people who witnessed it.

Mingyu: Good evening everyone, I hope that didn't ruin your night. I apologize for that spectacle. Rest assured you can enjoy the night and forget about it.

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