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It is the day of the interview, we are supposed to meet at 10 am but I got a message from our staff saying he was already here.

Staff: Mr. Jeon, Mr. Kim was already in the conference room. Everything is set up.

Wonwoo: Thanks, I will take over from here.

And so I went inside the conference room, there he was, looking as hot as always, I wanted to slap myself for having such thoughts but sorry I just can't help it. I wouldn't say it to him though, he maybe hot, handsome, good in bed and with a nice big schlong but to me he is still the asshole who left me and I am not falling twice.

Wonwoo: Good Morning Mr. Kim, I hope I did not keep you waiting.

I gave him my most sincere smile, it is not as if I was pretending, but maybe because I have just accepted everything in some way. We ended in a tragic way, I was hurt but I need to move on. He may still love me, he may not but I just came to a point where I wanna curse everything and just say fuck them all, I will live, I will continue my life with or without you, for our son.

Mingyu: Not at all Wo... Mr. Jeon

Wonwoo: That is good to hear, so, would you like us to start the interview or would you want me to ask the secretary to give you something? tea or coffee perhaps?

Mingyu: I am alright, we can start this interview already.

And with his signal I started asking him the questions. Instead of writing his answers I chose to record our conversation so it will be easier to go back when I edit the article and that nothing will be missed. Everything was going smooth until we started the last section of the questionnaire which were questions about his love life. I got a bit nervous and uncomfortable asking him all of this but I have to keep my cool.

Wonwoo: So, Mr. Kim I am sure many women are wondering why the most eligible bachelor in this country is still single, Is there any particular reason?

Mingyu: (looks at Wonwoo sincerely) because there is only one person I loved and will ever love. I made a mistake in the past and I regret what I did every day and night for the past 8 years.

He kept looking at me with a sad look on his eyes as he said every word in his answer and I felt like this wall I put up will start crumbling so I decided to cut the interview. I paused the recording, my hands trembled as I did.

Wonwoo: Mr. Kim, I think its better for us to take a bit of break.

I was still trying my best to maintain composure but I am sure he knows me enough to tell that something was wrong. I stoop up and was about to leave when he held my hand.

Mingyu: Wons, please just one chance. If you are not satisfied with my explanation I will stop bothering you, I promise.

I am still hesitant about this but I know sooner or later it is gonna happen anyway, why prolong the agony.

Wonwoo: Okay.

So I sat down and listen to him.

Mingyu: First of all, I just want to tell you, I love you and I still love you. It will only be you.

I gulped when I heard him confess, I am glad but at the back of my head why is this so hard to absorb.

Wonwoo: then why?

Mingyu: My father...

Wonwoo: What about him?

Mingyu: At first, he threatened to disinherit me if i wont leave you and be engaged with Irene. I don't care about my inheritance Wons! I will choose you in a heartbeat and leave everything behind!

But when he used you against me, that was my last straw. I can't put you in danger. My father threatened me that he will ruin your life, block all possible job opportunities for you.

I cannot believe what I heard, but I know Mingyu is not someone who will lie over something like this.

Mingyu: The day they announced my engagement, it was our anniversary and God knows how I felt shitty that time. I loved you so much it took me so long to court you and make you love me. When you gave me that yes years ago, it was still one of the happiest moments of my life. I promised to cherish you forever, but I ended up hurting you. But when can I do, I was not as strong back then.

When my father threatened me that he will hurt you I made a deal with him. I will obey him in exchange for leaving you and letting you live in peace.

All the information I heard was too much and I dont know what to do anymore. It feels as if my head and chest want to explode. I did not even feel my tears are already flowing.

Mingyu: So now, I have grown stronger, even than my father. I had to be, for you, for us. Wons, I know it took me so long and I am so sorry. Probably you still cannot forgive me and I understand that. I am glad that you gave me this chance to explain all these things to you.

I really don't know how to respond to him. I am still processing what I just learned. There was a part of me that was still bitter asking why all these have to happen to me, but somehow, learning that Mingyu still loved me, and that night when Hangyul was created, it was out of love, gave me a spark of joy in my heart. Mingyu always loves me. I felt relief.

Wonwoo: Mr. Kim, Thank you for taking your time explaining these to me. It will help me move on learning the truth.

Mingyu: Who said you are moving on?

Wonwoo: What do you expect me to do Mr. Kim?

This guy really has no shame sometimes, well that is one part of him that attracted me before.

Mingyu: I am taking you back Wonwoo, you belong to me.

Wonwoo: I don't belong to anyone Mr. Kim I am sorry, I am my own person.

Duhhh! no one is going to be fragile today! you bastard you broke me beyond repair for so many years you are not gonna have it easy! these were words I had in my head as I was staring at Mingyu looking so serious.

Mingyu: Then I am going to make you mine again Wonwoo.

Wonwoo: Suit yourself Mr. Kim, but may I suggest, we are no longer in Highschool, I am changed by time, and by you. So if you think it will be easy then quit.

Mingyu: Brace yourself, because I am gonna shake your world. I am going to bring back your smile, your eyes which only looked at me with adoration and love. I will attack you with all the love I have stored for you these past 8 years until I melt you.

I just gave Mingyu a smirk then left the conference room. Truth is, I am glad I gave him a chance to explain. What I learned today was not I was expecting but I was glad it was the way it was. It would have hurt me more if I learn he really fell out of love. But hey, I am one vengeful bitch, I am going to make sure you crawl Mingyu before I allow you to come back to our lives.

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