Cat Fight

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I ordered Chan to pick the children up from school and drop Wonbin before bringing Hangyul to my office. I wonder how he will react seeing all this. This will all be his in the future. As much as I would want to pick him up myself everyday, it wont be feasible as I have important appointments at random times of the day but I made sure that if I weren't available, I am gonna send someone I trust like my secretary or my personal driver.

I just finished a meeting and was about to sit in my office when I saw my son running towards me to give me a hug.

Hangyul: Daddy!!!

Mingyu: Hello my little man, how was school?

Hangyul: It was good daddy, I told my classmates you dropped me off this morning but no one believed me. But I don't really care about them, I know the truth

Mingyu: (pats hangyul's head) good work today my little man, daddy is proud of you.

Hangyul: Daddy your office looks amazing and big!

Mingyu: Did you like it?

Hangyul: yes daddy!

I wanna tell him that this will all be his in the future but then again, I want him to decide what he wants to do in the future. I will never be like my father. I will allow my son to be who he wants to be and to do what makes him happy. I will always give him my full support.

Mingyu: Baby, daddy still has one more meeting and it will probably take some time. I already texted dada about it and the driver will pick him up and bring him here after his work so we can go home together. Can Hangyul stay in the office and play with uncle chan while daddy is in a meeting?

Hangyul: Sure daddy! Uncle Chan is funny I wanna play with him.

I gave Chan a glare after that remark from Hangyul.

Mingyu: Care to explain?

Chan: No sir! I promise we were just chatting in the car on the way here.

Mingyu: I don't want my son learning bad words I hope we are clear with that.

Chan: promise! I am keeping my words good for all ages

Mingyu: good we are all clear.

Chan: Yes Sir!

And with that I left my son and my secretary in my office to head to my meeting.
Third Person POV

Chan and Hangyul are just having fun in the office. They ran around Mingyu's large office, after a few minutes the kid got tired so decided to sit down. Chan handed Hangyul a tablet where he can play online games so they can do a more relaxed activity.

Chan: Hey Hangyul, do you want anything to eat or drink? I will get some for you

Hangyul: I am not really hungry uncle Chan, I wanna wait for daddy and dada so we can eat together.

Chan: You are such a lovely child do you know that.

Hangyul just smiled at Chan after that comment and so they continued playing.

After a few minutes the phone in the office rang so I picked it up.

Chan: Good afternoon, Mr.Kim's office this is Chan speaking.

Receptionist: Mr. Lee! Thank God you immediately answered the phone!

Chan: Why? is there any problem?

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