16: Control

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When Korra woke the next morning, she watched Asami's sleeping form for a while. Last night, she felt her tossing and turning, the bags under her eyes were proof of her lack of sleep. Korra leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her lips before rolling out of bed and deciding to get ready for the day.

She wishes she would have realized sooner that Asami seeing her so close with not only Tenzin and his family but even Korra's parents a few months prior, would pull at her heartstrings so much. Asami lost both of her parents and only has Korra, a few friends, and her business, aside from that, she has no other family whereas Korra has basically two sets of parents, her tribe, a connection to the spirit creatures and so many other connections. 

It broke the Avatar's heart. 

When she stepped out of the small home, she was greeted by Naga who was happily wagging her tail sniffing her up and down in excitement. Korra laughed petting her head.

"Good morning to you too girl. I know you want to come with me, but you need to stay and keep watch for Asami," Korra stated. Naga whined but Korra pet her head once more, leaving her behind.

On her way to the air temple, Korra couldn't help but worry about the plan that everyone had come up with last night. Asami will be used as bait to lure out this new enemy and the thought of her getting hurt in any way was driving Korra insane. The urge to leave Asami with the air-benders and do this herself was strong but she knew if she did that Asami would be so mad at her.

They are a team, and Asami can fight, though Korra hates the idea.

"Korra, good morning," Tenzin smiled as the avatar walked up to him.

"Good morning."

"Lin called last night to see how you and Asami were doing," Tenzin said.

Korra rolled her eyes, "You mean she's checking in to make sure I'm not doing anything hot-headed."

Tenzin rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah. . ."

"She's always hovering, micromanaging me," Korra frowned.

"Korra, she loves you like we all do, she only wants you safe."

The avatar sighed, "I know, but sometimes I feel like she doesn't have any faith in me."

"Of course she has faith in you, she's always been extra cautious, you know that. It also doesn't help that in the past you've managed to go against several of her decisions and wind up in trouble," Tenzin smirked.

Korra chuckled, "I guess that's true."

Tenzin was right, Korra has a bad habit of not listening to orders, especially from Lin. 

Tenzin looked at her for a few moments before placing a hand on her shoulder, "On another note, how are you and Asami?"

Korra blushed lightly, "We're good. Some rough patches here and there but, we are doing good."

"I'm happy to hear that. You two have always made such a good team, I'm surprised it took as long as it did for the two of you to get together." Tenzin told her.

Korra was surprised by this, "What do you mean?"

Tenzin shrugged a bit, "The way you two interact together, the way she looks at you, even before you left. You never realized?"

She shook her head, "I mean, there was a lot going on in my life I never really had the time to realize much aside from my duties. I didn't notice until after I was poisoned."

"Well, I noticed. I also know that you love her a lot and that this plan of ours upsets you."

Korra looked away, "Yeah, it does upset me. I just don't see how we can't find another way. I even thought about leaving her here to just try and catch them myself-"

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