Chapter 14

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As Tweek walked towards the bathroom, he felt an unsettling feeling in his stomach. It felt like his stomach was trying telling him something. He kept going, though.

He entered the bathroom to find Craig, washing his hands.

As soon as Tweek entered, Craig turned to him.

"Hey Craig." Tweek said to the other.

"Don't 'Hey' me. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Why did you tell Clyde about how I let you spend the night by my house?"

"You said that it wouldn't matter."

"Well, then I guess I was wrong. But I told you not to mention it."

"One, 'Don't mention it' is a figure of speech, usually not taken with grain of salt, so I really don't know what you want me to do about it. Two, I am really getting tired of people telling me what to do, it's always 'Tweek do this', 'Tweek do that', or 'Son, don't do it again or me and your mother might actually have to sell you into slavery." Tweek began to ramble.

"I really don't understand the big deal, if you were going to make a big deal out of something as little as spending the night at your house you shouldn't have let me come. When I got home on Saturday, my parents didn't even notice I was gone. It was just like 'Oh hey Tweek, I didn't hear you come out of your room. How come you didn't come down for breakfast this morning?' If you can't tell, it sucks. It fucking sucks knowing after being gone all night, your parents didn't even realize you were gone! They thought you were in your room, doing something productive." Tweek rambled.


"No because, they didn't think to check on me or anything like that. They didn't call, text or anything. They didn't fuss at me, or anything. I just got, 'Oh hey Tweek, didn't see you there. I didn't hear you come out your room.' Me being at your house, wasn't that big of a deal, not to them or me, so I really don't know why you have to make it such a big deal."

"Tweek, I'm sorry, I feel like maybe you shouldn't of went back and told Clyde after I told you, maybe it just not worth mentioning. Now seeing that you're mad and I've now seen it from you're point of view, I'm not as upset as I probably was."

"Also seeing that you're mad is kinda hot to me, but no homo."



"Wait, what did you say?"

Craig stared at Tweek for a brief moment, "Can I kiss you?"


"It's fine if you don't want to, I guess I'd rather ask? I don't know." Craig said before looking away.

"I guess-" Tweek said before a pair of slightly chapped lips crashed into his.

While the kiss was short, it felt good, really good to Tweek. The kiss itself might've only lasted a second or two but it was like heaven on Tweek's lips. He didn't melt into it like the other did, but it still felt really good.

As Craig pulled away, and he and Tweek stared at eachother.

Then the thought came to Tweeks mind. If Craig was just mad at him, why would he want to kiss him?

Was Craig playing with his feelings right now?

Was Craig doing this to get back at him somehow?

Was that the only reason Craig started being nice to him?

Tweek needed to find some excuse to leave, "I- uh..I need to get to class..I'll see you later.." Tweek stammered.

Tweek walked out the bathroom, and instead of actually going to class. He started walking, and he didn't look back.

He began to walk home.

☆Together☆ Creek (Craig x Tweek)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang