Chapter 24

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Tweek couldn't sleep that night. He didn't think he would be able to sleep ever again. He could hear his mom downstairs, cleaning. Maybe she was trying to get the blood out of the carpet..

When the sun finally came out, Tweek got up. He went to the bathroom and took a good long look at himself.

Did he do this?

Why is this happening?

Why did it have to happen to him?

Nothing seemed real anymore. Nothing was everything. Tweek didn't seem to feel anything anymore. He didn't feel nervous or jittery. He felt sad, obviously, but he wasn't.

His dad wasn't coming back, and he knew that.

Why couldn't things be simple anymore?

Why did he have to find that meth lab?

Was it his fault that his dad killed himself?

Was it?

He wasn't going to school. Not today atleast.

Tweek began to rethink his life.

Now that everyone knows that his dad has been drugging the coffee, the coffee shop would get shut down.

Tweek needed a real job now. Maybe he could get a job at Subway or Jack in the Box.

His dad would've picked Subway.

Tweek was smart, maybe he could get a scholarship for college. That could work.

It could.. probably. Somewhere..

Tweek went downstairs, where it smelled like Bleach and Fabuloso. The house wasn't in shambles or anything. The house seemed normal but it wasn't. It just wasn't normal.

Tweek's mom caught a glimpse of him, "Tweek, come sit down." Tweek's mom said, smiling at him.

It made Tweek feel awkward. He sat down and his mom sat across from him, "How are you feeling?" She asked urgently.

"Fine, I think."

"I'm here if you need me, Tweek..I want you to know that this is a really big step, and I'm here if you need anything." Tweek's mom said gently.

"Thanks mom, I really do appreciate it." Tweek said.

"Do you wanna go back to school today?"

"No thank you, I'll go tomorrow though."

"Okay, honey. Go get some rest." She said, gently.

Tweek nodded and stood up from the table. He went back into his room, and laid down on his bed. It was nice to know that his mom cared, but he didn't know how to talk about what he was feeling.

He was feeling too much and not enough. He was sad, obviously, but he wasn't just feeling sad.

He felt empty.

He felt guilty.

He felt anguish.

There was nothing he could do.

Nothing at all.

Tweek sat up and began to think.

He thought about how his life was permanently changed forever. There was nothing that could change what happened.

No amount of comfort.

No amount of acceptance.


Tweek picked up his phone, maybe Craig could distract him.

Only for a while.

Tweek - Hi

Craig - r u okay

Craig - did sumting happen

Craig - what happened

Tweek - u sure?

Craig - you can talk to me

Tweek - my dad is dead.

Craig - actually?

Tweek - actually bro.

Craig - damn

Craig - do you like need to talk about anything?

Tweek - not rlly

Craig - r u sure

Tweek - I mean I don't have much to talk about anything

Craig - well I'm here if you need me

Tweek - thanks

Craig - np

Craig - I gtg 

Tweek - k

Craig - du u want me to come over l8r

Tweek - idrc my mom might be going crazy or sum

Craig - I can handle it

Craig - ur so pookie

Tweek - tf does that even mean

Craig - idk I heard my sister say it

Craig - I think it's supposed to be ironic

Tweek - I js googled it's cringe

Craig - ACTUALLY??


Tweek - lol ur done for

Craig - I'm not surviving school on Monday 😭

Tweek - no ur not

Craig - did I make you feel a bit better

Tweek- definitely :)

Craig - well ill see u l8r

Tweek - Kay

Tweek put down his phone and smiled stupidly. He was hit with a realization, "Is this what being in love is like?" He asked himself.

It explained a lot. It explained why he liked Craig more than a friend, and why he didn't mind Craig being so close. He would usually jump or start shaking, but with Craig.. he was calm and collected.

It was confusing to Tweek. He liked the feeling of just being around Craig.

Tweek thought it, "Feelings are totally gay." He said a little too loud.

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