Chapter 28

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Tweek's mom woke him up the following morning for school. Tweek got up and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed his face. The whole time, Tweek kept thinking about the dream.

Was his mind setting himself up for a wet dream?

That'd be weird since Tweek didn't sleep enough to have a wet dream.

Tweek seemed to sleep a lot more nowadays. Which was probably a good thing, for him so he could focus more. Instead of getting breakfast Tweek left out the house as soon as he was ready.

He walked to the bus stop and stopped when he got to Butters. Butters was with someone else. Someone who usually wasn't at their bus stop. It was someone Tweek noticed in school.

What was his name??

Lenny or something like that.

He waited for Butters to stop talking, "Hey, you guys." Tweek said casually.

"Tweek! Where have you been?" Butters asked seeming concerned.

"Yeah, everyone thinks you got deported." Lenny said.

"Thanks for being concerned, but I needed a day or two." Tweek said.

"What happened, though? It's been like three days.." Butters asked.

"Like I said, everyone thinks you got deported." Lenny says again.

"I've been playing with Legos and stuff. I have like 50 hyperfixations at once." Tweek went on.

"That's not really a real answer." Butters pointed out.

"I don't want to talk about it yet." Tweek said keeping his casual tone, if he had learned anything from Craig, it was how to keep a straight face.

"You seem edgy," Lenny went on, "I always thought you were more... shaky."

Tweek shrugged, "I used to be a bit twitchy."

"Not a bit, a lot. Well, what have you guys been up to?" Lenny said, trying to keep positive conversation.

"My dad grounded me." Butters said.

"You're dad seems like a bit of a jackass." Tweek pointed out.

"He is." Lenny added.

"He just cares about me, you guys. He has a different parenting style that's all.." Butters said, "What about you fellas?"

"I've been playing with Legos and eating Popeyes." Tweek said.

"I think you already said that." Lenny said.

"Did I?" Tweek asked out loud.

"Well, I was stuck babysitting for Craig because he went to go do something that was so important that he couldn't watch his little sister." Lenny went on.

Tweek thought for a moment, "Oh yeah, Craig took me go the Lego store and got me Popeyes." Tweek added.

Lenny and Butters turned to each other, then back to Tweek.

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