Vaggie x Charlie happy birthday my dear

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Vaggie really regretted letting it slip that Charlie's birthday was coming up. She'd wanted to warn the other residents not to bother them, to let them just have a nice day without any bullshit, but a request like that was giving them far too much credit.

Of course they would all find some way to insert themselves and make it weird. Of course someone denied her explicit request to let them have the morning to themselves and woke them up bright and early with a swift, loud knocking at their bedroom door.

"Stay in bed, sweetie," Vaggie murmured as Charlie lifted her head. Charlie was so cute sleeping in, dozing peacefully in the morning light, that Vaggie genuinely wanted to fight whoever had roused her. She kissed Charlie's head and shushed her gently, hoping that might lull her back to that peaceful state, before begrudgingly rising to get the door.

"Good morning!" Alastor's voice was bright, chipper, and entirely too loud.

"This better be important," Vaggie growled.

"Very! Where's our darling birthday girl?" Alastor craned his neck to look over Vaggie's shoulder.


"'m up," Charlie murmured. Vaggie sighed, mourning the loss of her sleepy cuddles.

"Excellent!" Alastor replied. "Join us downstairs, my dear. I've prepared a wonderful breakfast for the occasion."

"Awwww, Al!" Charlie sounded so genuinely touched that Vaggie didn't have the heart to say no, she already had plans to treat Charlie to breakfast in bed and spend the morning locked away by themselves. It was Charlie's birthday, after all. Her choice. "We'll be right down."

"Wonderful." Alastor regarded them both with his huge grin and refused to move until Vaggie closed the door in his face.

Charlie stood with a luxurious stretch that Vaggie just couldn't look away from. God, she was so beautiful. As she moved toward the closet to pick out something to wear, Vaggie snapped out of her love-induced stupor and grabbed a box she'd been hiding under the bed.

"Here," she said. "I got this for you."

Charlie took the box with a smile and opened it to reveal a new dress, red with black accents and a slightly flared, ruffled skirt so she could twirl it like she loved so much.

"Awww, Vaggie!" she squealed. "It's so pretty! I love it!"

"Go put it on," Vaggie urged, smiling as Charlie leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Let's see how it looks on you."

One thing Vaggie had learned about Charlie very early in their relationship was that she greatly enjoyed being somewhat treated like a doll. She loved dressing up for Vaggie and would sit happily for hours to let someone do just about anything with her hair or makeup. At first, Vaggie had felt a little wary of the trust Charlie put in her, but now she adored it.

She especially adored that Charlie felt comfortable changing right in front of her. There wasn't an ounce of shame in her half-lidded stare as Charlie slipped into the dress.

"Red is definitely your color," she purred.

"Thank you." Charlie blushed slightly.

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