vaggie x Charlie Beach fun

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The sand between her toes went from gritty to smooth as the waves lapped up at her ankles. It shouldn’t have been soothing. Nothing in Hell was, after all.
Vaggie dragged her eyes away from the sight of the blood red water. (How creative, Hell.) Charlie had her hair pinned up behind her head. Her hair did better like that than Vaggie’s did. Even if the mass of it looked like it would be heavy on her neck.
“It’s time for the activities!”
“Shouldn’t you put on some sunscreen first?” Vaggie asked, lifting up the bottle in question. It had an image of someone bursting into flames on it. As it would.
“Oh! I knew I’d forgotten something!” Charlie giggled, prancing over to Vaggie’s side with her hand gripped in front of her.
“You should have fur instead,” Angel called over from where he was wearing his… well, it was at least a swimsuit.
It could have been worse.
Vaggie decided to ignore him for now and pulled Charlie over to their towels. Charlie sat down, back straight, and Vaggie knelt behind her to get started.
“You need to be laying down so she can undo your top!”
“Shut it, Angel!” Vaggie yelled back at him.
“Oh, but that’s a good idea. Don’t want to miss anything.” Charlie shifted to Vaggie’s right side and set herself down on her stomach.
“Babe, I think you’re missing…” Well, if Charlie had missed what Angel Dust was getting at, there wasn’t much loss there. “Never mind.”
Charlie’s skin was flawless. Vaggie started at her nape and worked her way down to her shoulders. From the corner of her eye she could see Niffty already cleaning up the beach. Whether that meant the trash or anything else, it was thrown into the trash bag she dragged behind her.
“What the hell!” Husk barked out.
Charlie tried to get up, but Vaggie kept her hands on her upper back. “It’s fine. Angel just got him wet. It’s the beach.”
“Oh. I guess that’s fine.” Charlie sighed and closed her eyes. Relaxed.
Vaggie wished she could ignore the others and focus only on Charlie’s back, but she had to keep watching the others. Sir Pentious had already fallen asleep in the sun. What little there ever was.
Yet there was something about being at the cusp of an ocean, even an ocean like this, which had some peace to it. Even with the present company.
At the very least Alastor wasn’t here. Vaggie would appreciate some small mercies. She had to wonder if Sir Pentious’ eggs would bake. She tried not to think about it.
She moved her hands to Charlie’s lower back. It was all skin she knew well. This was another way of protecting her, Vaggie supposed. It wasn’t as dramatic as doing so with her spear, but keeping the princess from getting sunburn from a sun which never seemed bright enough to do damage? Of course.
Another form of armour.
Vaggie was overthinking this.
“I could give you some pointers.”
“Ah!” Vaggie almost grabbed for her spear to point it at the voice at her ear, but Angel already had stepped back with that stupid grin on his face. “I don’t need pointers in applying sunscreen!”
“You’re massaging your girlfriend and I’m not hearing the sounds of appreci–”
“Oh, but I’m appreciating it a lot!”
Vaggie tied the back of Charlie’s bikini top since she was done with that part anyway. Charlie was doing her best to still preserve her modesty (she wasn’t like some people), but she was always quick to move and it was still a swimsuit . Even if a tasteful one.
Why did Angel bother with a top? He’d said it was all hair fluff.
“Don’t forget you’ll need to pay back the favour to her, Charlie.” Angel clicked his tongue and winked. Charlie couldn’t see the wink.
“I applied sunscreen before I got here,” Vaggie lied.
Charlie frowned. “I didn’t see you–”
“Go have nice clean fun with the others!” Vaggie pointed toward the others. Not like she could see Angel doing so. Niffty was halfway down the beach, Husk was drying off, and Sir Pentious was asleep.
Angel looked at her with annoyance. With a shrug, he headed over to the water.
“We’ll join you soon!” Charlie called out.
“Yeah, I won’t take too much longer.” Vaggie squirted more sunscreen into her hands and went to finish her back. “You could sit up and get your front done.”
“Good idea.” They shifted again, back to their first position, as Charlie worked at her legs.
“Thanks, Vaggie.”
She kissed the back of Charlie’s head. Maybe she wouldn’t feel it with her hair twisted into such a thick hat, but it didn’t matter. “Any time.”
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” Charlie glanced back over her shoulder.
Vaggie smiled. “You get started with the activities. I’ll get as much of me as I can and you can get the rest when you have a moment.”
At the very least Husk had retrieved Niffty from disappearing from view. Sir Pentious was awake, hissing at Angel (who had been the one to wake him up with yet another splash of water). Angel found it all hilarious.
He was wearing heels in the sand. That didn’t make any sense.
Charlie grinned. “Sounds like a plan!” She tapped her forehead against Vaggie’s before bouncing to her feet and heading out back into the sands. “All right! Let’s get started!”
Vaggie rubbed the sunscreen into her arms and watched as Charlie roused the four to attention. It took some doing, but if anyone could do it…
It would be Charlie. Vaggie smiled.
But oh boy, she would have preferred a day at the beach without the rest of these clowns. At least it wasn’t all the clowns.
A feeling of darkness rose from the cliffs behind her.
“Alastor!” Charlie beamed. “You made it!”
“Of course, my dear! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
Vaggie shut her eyes.
One day, it would just be her and Charlie at the beach

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