vaggie x Charlie razzle and dazzle Mommy's

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Charlie was six years old when she first met Razzle and Dazzle. The event was one of her earliest memories, and also one of her most cherished.

She remembered, vaguely, a short period before that. Complaining to her parents that she didn't have any friends like the characters in her storybooks, trying to sneak into her father's workshop for company only to be carried off by her mother and returned to bed, frequently crying from loneliness. She tried making up games on her own, only to get herself into trouble. She tried getting her parents to play with her, only to be gifted a new toy and told to run along.

They wanted to play with her, they always assured her, but they were just so busy. They wanted her to have friends, they promised, but the Princess of Hell couldn't be friends with just anyone. Still, they knew she was miserable, and something had to be done about it.

So, for her sixth birthday, her father gave her what she wanted most in the world. Two playmates, little demon goats with enough of a childish nature to want to hang out with her and enough self-sufficiency that she wouldn't have much responsibility toward their wellbeing. Their names were Razzle and Dazzle, and she loved them instantly.

They followed her everywhere, glad to play along with her games while strategically steering her away from trouble without ever spoiling her fun. They were perfect, for her and her put-upon parents.

While they couldn't speak, they could still vocalize and loved to sing back-up when Charlie made up songs. They were also experts at communicating through charades or drawings. Charlie quickly became fluent in their own little language, and the three were almost never apart. The trio was confident that they would all be best friends for life.


Charlie was twenty-seven when she first learned that Razzle and Dazzle could turn into dragons.

By the standard of immortal beings, she was still a child, just on the cusp of puberty, and she acted like it. She no longer stood by, confused, with tears in her eyes when told her father didn't have time to see her. She got mad, she yelled, she stormed off and locked herself in her room so she wouldn't have to listen to her mother telling her to "see here," and "understand that his responsibility is to all of Hell."

Razzle and Dazzle cuddled up to her as she sobbed into her pillow, furious at the unfairness of it all. He may have been Hell's king, but he was her dad, and felt like that should mean a bit more. And it wasn't like she wanted to take up all of his time. She just wanted to hang out for a little while. She wanted to show him the pictures she'd drawn for him and the songs she'd written about what a good king he was.

Good king, maybe, but not a great dad.

"It's not fair," she whined to her only friends. "I'm his daughter! He should want to see me!"

Razzle handed her a tissue while Dazzle stroked her hair. They both nodded along sympathetically, but it was clear an issue like this was out of their depth.

The two of them exchanged a glance, eyes lighting up with inspiration. Dazzle began to tug at Charlie's arm while Razzle gestured frantically for her to get out of bed.

"No," Charlie snapped, jerking her arm away. She sighed as their expressions fell. "Sorry, guys. I just... I don't want to play right now."

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