Vaggie x Charlie our love

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The Morningstar Estate was large, to say the least. Sprawling and magnificent. Large marble pillars, gilded gold trims, accents of white and red, and long, twisted halls and stairways. Large stained-glass windows, plush carpets and smooth flooring and countertops, and skylights that allowed the sunlight to filter in. The more she looked, the more she caught tiny, hidden hints of apples or ducks. 

  This was Lucifer’s house after all. Or, mansion, technically. 

  Vaggie had spent most of the first day here stressed and exhausted, clinging to Charlie like she was her rock, bandaging and cleaning her wounds, and collapsing into Charlie’s four post king-sized bed. She had felt like she could sleep for one thousand years. She would worry about the renovations and rebuilding later, falling into the tempting mistress that was deep sleep. 

  By the second day, the restlessness had kicked in. She laid in bed at night, unable to sleep. She stared up at the ceiling, listening to Charlie’s muffled snores. She had gotten up and wandered the halls, cold and shivering in her burrowed clothes from  Charlie’s old dress, baggy shorts and a LuLu World T-shirt. She followed the main corridor, down the carpeted stairway, looking at old photographs and family portraits. 

  (She decides her girlfriend is the cutest baby she has ever seen, although it wasn’t much of a competition. From what she had seen, Hellborn demon children were never measured much for their level of adorableness.) 

  She stopped at a certain one. A large family portrait at the top of the stairs, showcased in a golden frame. She studied it with a careful, tired eye, one hand, that one that wasn’t wrapped in a bandage, resting on the top of the newel. 

  She realized how much Charlie resembled both of her parents. Long blonde hair, pasty white skin, and red, flushed cheeks. She stopped on the older woman in the corner, with flowing blonde hair nearly to her waist and a tight black dress. A stab of resentment went through hers, though it wasn’t hers to feel.

   Where was Lilith? Why wasn’t she there the day her daughter needed her most? Charlie had cried into her arms the first night, wondering and asking and worrying. Where is she? I needed her, and she wasn’t there. 

  It begged the question: was she really off doing something important? Or had something happened to her, something bad, just as Charlie feared? 

  She saw how she worried, no matter how she tried to hide it. She knew her girlfriend too well by now. How she bit her lip, chewed on her cheeks. The way her and Lucifer would grow silent for a bit when she was mentioned, the look they would share. She had caught Charlie on a phone a few times, staring at her mom’s contact photo or scrolling through old messages from years prior. 

   What had happened?

  Coming back to her senses with a mouthful of cold night air, Vaggie let go of the railing and turned, resuming her way up the stairs. Whatever it was, it could wait another day. She needed to get back to bed before Charlie noticed she was gone. 

  She had a big day tomorrow. In fact, they had a lot of big days ahead of them. It would take a lot of work to rebuild and then manage the hotel again, but everyone seemed twice as determined to help now. With the King and Princess on their side, and a helpful handful of magic, it felt possible. 

  They had just defeated Heaven. Anything felt possible. 

  When, almost anything. She rubbed at a spot on her arm that was bruised. None of them left the fight without some injury. She had had a nasty headache the first night, her skull radiating with waves of pain. A split lip. A bruised rib. A few stray cuts and scratches. An out-of-commission-for-now hand, bandage soaked in golden blood. 

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