vaggie x Charlie my love

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She loved her girlfriend so much.

Charlie was everything. Her sun on a rainy day, the bright light that guided her though a storm. She was the moment the violins started in the orchestra, loud and exciting and beautiful, in a way only she could be. She was excitement, kindness, and pure sunshine wrapped into one, and Vaggie genuinely doesn't understand what she did to deserve her. Charlie was easily more like an angel than everyone in heaven and was leagues above everyone in hell.

And she was Vaggie's. Vaggie was hers. Always.

She wanted to spend the rest of her days with the women in her lap right now, kissing her with fervor and trying to convey so much love into such a simple act.

She long since learned what Charlie liked. One hand was holding her back, pressing their fronts flush together as the other found itself dug into her long, blonde hair. Both her and Charlie's tops were thrown on the ground, in their hunger filled hast to be close. And now She found herself lifting her hand, towards the clasp of Charlie's bra. There was a pause in her movements, a silent request, that her lover answered with a breathy moan that Vaggie greedily swallowed.

It was a deft motion, a pinch of her fingers, and she used her hand to fling Charlie's bra across their room, carelessly. The hand that was on her back moved to her breast, kneading it gently as she moved her lips in tandem with Charlie's. The demon's teeth were sharp, much sharper than Vaggie's own, and it had made her nervous when they first started dating. Her blood, like every angel's, was a golden ichor: If Charlie accidently cut her, her secret would've been exposed immediately.

But Charlie was always careful. So, so careful it made Vaggie want to cry, because what did she do to deserve her? She slaughtered thousands of Charlie's people in the name of false pretenses that were set upon her, a fact the princess now knew. But she never stopped being careful, even when her emotions got the better of her, when her horns appeared, her fangs sharpened, and her eyes turned red.

Vaggie always thought that side of Charlie was hot, a complete contrast to how sweet her girlfriend is.

She disconnected their lips, trailing hungry, sloppy kisses down Charlie's jaw and neck, and was rewarded with another raspy moan that she couldn't help but reciprocate. She felt the demon's hands roaming every part of her body, landing on her back as she too, unclasped her bra after a brief pause. Charlie moved her head downwards, capturing Vaggie's lips in another kiss before gently, so very gently, biting down on her bottom lip, exploring her mouth with a long, pointed tongue. Vaggie could feel the sharpened fangs against her mouth, and she reached the hand that was in the blonde's hair to one of her horns and pulled her forward, pushing Charlie ever so impossibly closer to her.

A long, drawn-out moan came from Charlie, her voice ending in a demonic undertone that set Vaggie on fire. This time, Charlie was the one to disconnect their lips, pushing Vaggie on to the bed and lavishing attention on to her neck. Vaggie moved her head to the side on instinct, allowing her more room to work with as she pushed her closer with one hand on her back and the other in her hair.

Closer, she needed her closer.

"Fuck, Charlie-" Her voice came out raspy and breathless, her hands grasping at the amazing women above her. Charlie made a "hmmm" sound, in a low and suggestive tone that almost made Vaggie shiver.

Normally, she was the one on top. She knew Charlie preferred it that way, but every once in a while, Charlie would ask to switch. It was just uncommon enough to feel unfamiliar, but she cherished it as close to her heart like every other time she was this close to her.

But of course, just as she was about to beg, fucking beg Charlie to touch her, a knock on the door sounded throughout their room. It startled Charlie, whose demon features went away almost instantly, and Vaggie mourned the loss as she quickly scrambled out of bed, grabbing the first article of clothing she could find. One of Charlie's pajama tops.

Once they were both decent, Charlie went to answer the door, with the closet look to annoyed she could muster. It wasn't close at all, in Vaggie's opinion, because her girlfriend could never really be all that mad when something like this happened. Vaggie could be, though, and she was. It was late, fucking, 1 am, who could need them at this hour?

At least they knocked. That meant it wasn't Angel.

"Yeah?" Charlie's voiced betrayed little of her own annoyance, which was barely noticeable unless you were really paying attention to her. Vaggie always was. She looked around her girlfriend to see who was at the door, a little surprised to see Husk there.

Of course, despite their decent enough appearances, it wasn't hard to put 2 and 2 together, with Charlie's disheveled hair and the numerous hickies already starting to bruise on both of their necks. They would be gone by morning, a side effect of angelic blood. It didn't take Husk long to figure out what he interrupted, and he cursed before speaking.

"Look, your dad wants to talk to you about something. He was going to come up here himself, but I figured you'd rather me be the one standing here instead of him." And every ounce of annoyance she had towards Husk dissipated at that moment, because if Lucifer, Charlie's dad, was the one who had to see them like this she might've actually died on the spot.

The surprise was clear on Charlie's face as she thanked Husk before closing the door. She turned to face Vaggie, a smile spreading across her face when she spotted her girlfriend. Even though they were just making out, bordering on fucking, seconds ago.

"What could he need this late?" Vaggie spoke softly, padding over to Charlie and wrapping her arms around her, resting her head on her chest. The demon was quick to reciprocate, planting a kiss on Vaggie's forehead before lifting a hand to her neck, using her powers to remove the evidence of Vaggie's hard work away with a flick of the hand.

It was hard to bruise skin that was as perfect as Charlie's, her smooth, porcelain like skin incredibly durable. And Vaggie didn't have fangs.

"No idea. But when I get back, we are continuing this." Vaggie could hear the smile in her voice, and as Charlie pulled away, she gave Vaggie the most adorable wink before walking to the door.

She loved her girlfriend.


Hours later, when they were both naked, sweaty, and tired, Vaggie just took her girlfriend's presence in. They were facing each other, legs intertwined, with Vaggie's hand on Charlie's waist and in between them. Charlie had mirrored her with a blinding smile.

She was beautiful, in every sense of the word. Her eyes, the red irises pulling her in with every look. If she had Charlie with her, everything came easy.

She could feel said girl playing with her hair, coiling strands around her finger. Vaggie smiled, lifting her head

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