vaggie x Charlie honey i here

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pain howled through her, screamed out of her for all of Heaven and Hell to hear. The city went gold as blood and then black, then red, red, red. She wanted to scream for her squadron, for backup, but she wasn't that far gone. They wouldn't come for her, and though her pain felt so fucking loud, she kept her mouth shut tight, lest she attract a squad of demons instead. She knew how it was here; she knew that after an extermination they took to the streets in groups to scavenge the remains of their friends and family, to feast.
She knew it was hellish.
Not even the kid she'd spared returned to help her. She couldn't blame him, and anyway, she couldn't be sure his return would mean the arrival of help at all. She'd seen his teeth. She'd been doing this long enough to know what it meant. She shouldn't have hesitated to introduce him to her spear.
Perhaps Lute was right in her judgment. The child had been hellborn and outside of their jurisdiction, yes. That was the rule. Sinners were fair game, hellborn were no deal, but it was hard to be so discerning during the heat of the battle. Adam had always shrugged it off and Hell had never filed any complaints. If a hellborn demon was stupid enough to be out on the street on extermination night, it deserved what it got. But this was a child. A cannibal child, yes, but a child nonetheless. If she'd never confided in Lute, if she hadn't admitted to weakness, to remorse and regret, Lute wouldn't have acted so rashly at Vaggie's perceived betrayal, she wouldn't have—
It didn't matter. What was done was done. Lute and Adam had left her for dead, but Vaggie wasn't dead, not yet. She hadn't really fallen. She'd admitted remorse and then she spared a kid and she'd been caught, but she was not beyond all redemption. She wasn't beyond help.
Vaggie shifted and hissed at the pain of it, radiating out from her empty eye socket and the center of her back. She ignored the pain and tore at her clothes. She had to get out of her uniform, get rid of anything that identified her as what she was—an avenging angel, one of Heaven's exorcists sent down to exterminate the demon hordes, the very warriors that caused entire families to cower at their feet.
She removed everything that could identify her and she stuffed it into a trash bin. Shadows passed by the opening to the alley and Vaggie stumbled away from the damning uniform, fell and pushed herself back up. Fell again. Gold as blood, red, red, red. She took a deep gasping breath and pulled the noxious air of Hell into her lungs.
There was a demon standing over her when she came to, a demon with a white face and huge glowing red—red, red—no, huge yellow eyes. Vaggie reached for her spear, but her hand found nothing there, just the filthy cobblestones of the alley. She felt around and then remembered that she'd ditched the spear with her uniform, had hidden it behind some bins, covered it in the dirt that now stained her fingers and gathered beneath her fingernails.
She was in the worst pulsing pain of her life, but she was going to fight this demon with all she had left. She wasn't about to give in. She wasn't ready to be served as breakfast for cannibals.
"Stay back," Vaggie warned, her voice ragged, broken.
The demon girl moved closer. She held out a tentative hand.
"I can help," she said. The demon wasn't holding a weapon. She gestured toward Vaggie's eye.
"Please, let me help you." The demon's eyes seemed impossibly large and endlessly caring. It felt like a mockery, like a trick. Vaggie turned her face away.
"Don't touch me."
It didn't come as she intended. It was less of an order and more of a plea. The demon wasn't dissuaded by her words. She held out her open hands. "I know what happened must have been traumatic. That's why I'm here to help."
Vaggie scoffed, which sent pain searing across her back. She screamed and the demon closed in, falling to her knees beside Vaggie. Her hands went to her pockets, and Vaggie reminded herself that she was still an angel (wasn't she?) and whatever weapon this demon produced could not be used to hurt an angel. Only an angel could harm another angel down here, and that harm had already been done.
The demon didn't pull out a weapon. She pulled out a long strip of cloth. Vaggie hissed when the girl touched her, but she didn't try to strangle Vaggie with the cloth, she merely wrapped it around Vaggie's head, secured it over Vaggie's empty eye socket. The pressure of the bandage against her eyelid provided some relief.
"Why are you helping me?" Vaggie asked, couldn't help herself. The demon's eyes held so much warmth, and her hands touched Vaggie so damn gently. This couldn't be real. She had to be putting on some kind of act. This chick was more sunshine and rainbows than half the denizens of Heaven, certainly more so than any of the Daughters of Adam. This was a trap and any moment now, she'd take off the mask. Horns and teeth and Heaven knew what else.
The demon muttered something about helping her people in any way that she could. She seemed embarrassed, flustered. She blushed as she pushed hair behind her ear, looked away from Vaggie and then looked back.
It was some act.
"Come on," the demon girl said, and when she reached for Vaggie this time, Vaggie didn't flinch. The demon helped Vaggie to her feet. "We should get you off of these streets. I don't live far, you can come home with me."
Vaggie couldn't say no. She groaned as she stood. She felt helpless, hopeless, ripe for falling right into a demon's trap. She reminded herself again that she couldn't be hurt, not by this girl nor anyone else in hell. So she would go with the demon, get to the bottom of the demon's act. She would continue Heaven's work from the inside. That was better, wasn't it? No more broad brushstrokes, no more hellborn kids dying at the end of an angel's blade. She would know for sure that the extermination was deserved before her spear pierced demon flesh.
Just as soon as she regained some of her strength.
Vaggie let the demon pull her arm over the demon's shoulders. The demon felt strong against her side.
"That's it," the demon girl said. "You're doing great. This way." And Vaggie let the demon lead her home.

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