vaggie x Charlie our shower

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under the thick comforter on top of her, enjoying the last few moments of sleepy haziness and the feeling of soft and silky sheets beneath her bare skin. She opened her eye and blinked a few times, sighing dramatically when she realized the world around her was just beginning to wake up, too; the crimson sky growing gradually brighter, the sound of life beginning to grow louder and more prominent. 

She turned her head toward Charlie’s side of the bed, feeling a little sad when she realized her girlfriend wasn’t there. Her hand absentmindedly reached over to the spot she’d usually slept, the warmth of Charlie’s body still lingering, meaning she’d just recently gotten up. As her brain began to piece together her surroundings, she heard the shower running in their shared bathroom, and the realization of how sweaty and disgusting they’d both gotten last night hit her suddenly. Vaggie decided she’d just get in the shower with Charlie, mainly because she didn’t really want to feel the remnants of sweat and… other substances on her skin anymore. She also knew Charlie wouldn’t care. 
Vaggie sat up in bed and stretched quickly, outstretching her wings; letting the cool air of their bedroom flow through her silver feathers as she walked to the door of the bathroom. She knocked quickly and heard a muffled consent from Charlie allowing her to come in.
“Morning, angel,” Charlie said, voice slightly muffled from the sound of running water. She poked her head out from the shower curtain, smiling warmly at the girl before her. “Wanna come in with me?”
Vaggie nodded, her lips curling into a soft smile. She climbed into the warm water, feeling Charlie’s damp hands find their way around her waist as she did so. 
“Babe,” Vaggie said with a soft laugh as Charlie tugged her into an embrace. The warm water hit her wings and she felt her body start to revive itself a bit, the blood in her veins starting to flow as it should. “I need to wash up, you know.”
The scent of Charlie’s citrusy soap filled the humid air, and the princess’s hands moved to Vaggie’s cheeks, pulling her into a soft kiss. “I know, I just love you.”
“I love you too, princess.”
Vaggie turned off the water and climbed out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel and grabbing for her toothbrush. Charlie had gotten out before her as Vaggie had to take extra time to clean her wings, which the princess had insisted would’ve gone much faster if she’d been able to help. She had to admit to herself though, she loved Charlie’s infatuation with her wings. It was cute, how she took every opportunity to run her fingers through the soft feathers, preening them much like Vaggie would spend hours doing herself in Heaven. The only difference? Charlie seemed to enjoy being able to help. 
It’s not even like Vaggie could complain. She knew she loved it. 
As soon as she finished brushing her teeth, she leaned back over the tub, wringing her hair out to make it easier to dry. She sat on the ledge as she brushed it out, taking her time and making sure she got every knot out. 
Vaggie opened the door to their bathroom and walked back into their room, gazing up at Charlie who was sitting on the edge of the bed, tying her hair up. She walked over to the closet and grabbed her clothing for the day, dressing herself quickly and spraying a bit of perfume on, breathing in the scent of patchouli and rosewood that was now circulating the air around her. 
“Angel’s gonna give us so much shit,” Charlie said, breaking the silence. Vaggie turned around to face the taller demon, who was now standing and adjusting her bow tie around her neck. She snickered sarcastically at the thought of it. “Oh, I forgot about him. We’re fucked, aren’t we?”
Angel made his way downstairs about an hour and a half later, walking down the hotel’s curved staircase to find Vaggie on the couch scrolling on her phone while Charlie conversed with Husk about something most likely unimportant. He noticed Vaggie looking up at him as he made his way into the lobby and towards the kitchen to fix himself breakfast, downright glaring at him, her face giving a silent warning to not say a fucking word. 
Instead, he returned her ice cold stare with a shit-eating grin, raising his eyebrows almost mockingly. He walked into the kitchen and fixed himself a small bowl of cereal, grabbing a bottle of beer from the bar as he walked past it while exiting. 
Angel noticed as he walked past where Charlie was sitting on the barstool how she was pointedly avoiding eye contact when she said good morning. He couldn’t help but snigger quietly to himself over it. 
“Mornin’, toots,” Angel said as he plopped his slim body onto the couch next to Vaggie, who looked a little bit like she wanted to die. “Angel,” she replied dryly, only looking up from her phone to stare him down some more. 
Angel smiled cockily in her direction. He felt the metaphorical gears in his heat start to grind as he formed a plan. 
“I trust ya slept good?” He said, glancing at Charlie as if to try to suggest something. Based on the way Vaggie looked as if she was about to burst a blood vessel. Her eye twitched involuntarily in frustration. “Since I forgot to ask last night when you so kindly barged into my room,” the exorcist began, “What did you need?”
The spider-demon bit his lip to suppress a laugh. “Uh, the vent in my bathroom exploded or somethin’, and it looked like some typa mold was coming out of it. Figured Princess over there would know what to do about it.” He crossed his legs and took a large bite of his cereal. Vaggie put her phone down beside her, crossing her arms defensively over her chest and sighed, blinking exhaustedly. “You need to remember to knock,” she said, exaggerating the last word to make sure she got her point across. “ You of all people should know that.”
“Dollface, ya know I don’t care. I’m a sex worker , for Christ’s sake. Besides, y’all’ve been all over each other since the whole extermination battle shitshow. I knew it was gonna happen at some point,” Angel reasoned, shrugging. “Buuut, ya know I’m never gonna letcha live it down.” 
Angel grinned, mostly teasingly, but there was a hint of sincerity that Vaggie picked up on. “Obviously.”
Angel didn’t reply, and instead got up and made his way over to the bar, taking a seat next to Charlie who was talking to Husk about subgenres of rock music, for some reason. He smiled flirtatiously at the winged feline, who flipped him off but still returned the grin. Charlie cleared her throat awkwardly beside him, still avoiding eye contact. The silence between the three demons stretched on for a little too long. 
“So,” Angel began, “Long night last night, huh?”
Charlie didn’t reply and sat staring at him, looking mortified. Under her breath, he heard her mumble “ Why did I think he wouldn’t mention it ”, and couldn’t help but laugh. “I was just tellin’ ‘Gina over there how I’m never gonna let youse off the hook about this.”
Husk looked interested, leaning against the wall and raising an eyebrow. “You gonna leave me out, or what?” The spider demon looked at him with a smug smile, crossing his bottom set of arms. “My vent went all wonky in my bathroom in the middle of the night last night, so I went to go get Blondie here to see if she knew how to fix it, but I walked into her and that one fuckin’. Nothin’ all that interesting,” he explained, pointing his finger back at Vaggie on the couch for emphasis. The interest on Husk’s face faded as quickly as it came on. “Oh.”
“ That’s why you didn’t knock?” Charlie said, slightly frustrated. “You couldn’t have just waited until the morning?”
“I probably woulda forgotten, girl. But hey, it’s nothin’ I haven’t seen before.” 
Charlie’s crimson eyes rolled in agitation, and she got up from the barstool, sighing. “I don’t even wanna talk about it.”

“That’s too bad, toots,” Angel said smugly. “Ya got walked in on by me. Like I told yer girlfriend, you’re never gonna

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