vaggie x Charlie wings cuddling

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The hotel was quiet, for once. Ever since the failed extermination, it seemed like everyone was always bustling about, never pausing to just relax. Charlie, especially, couldn’t seem to find the time to take a break as there were suddenly new sinners there every day, trying their hands at redemption or trying to sabotage her.

Now everything was even worse because molting season had snuck up on her like an assassin and everything hurt and was achey, and all she wanted to do was submerge herself in her pool-sized tub and never leave the just short of boiling water ever again.

Even with Vaggie and her dad’s help with grooming her wings, which had relieved a lot of the aches and pains, she still was struggling to cope.

Despite promising to go out with her wings out, something caught in her chest and squeezed every time she reached for her doorknob. Vaggie was next to her, patiently waiting for Charlie to take the next step.

“I can get you breakfast, babe. You don’t have to go out if you don’t want to,” Vaggie assured for probably the third time in the past hour. Charlie squared her shoulders and shook her head.

“No. I got this. I said I was going to go out-”

“Would it be better if I had my wings out, too?”

Something hard melted in Charlie’s chest at the offer. Vaggie also didn’t have her wings out very often, not wanting to draw attention to her angelic nature in a building full of resentful sinners. She was so sweet to offer to make Charlie more comfortable.

“If… if you don’t mind,” Charlie said, wincing as a feather dropped to the ground from her middle set of wings. “Ugh, Nifty’s going to have a field day with all these feathers. Would it be rude to go out like this? I don’t want to make a mess for her- no. I said I was going to go out. I have nothing to be ashamed about.”

“And I’ll be with you the whole time,” Vaggie added, smiling gently up at her and taking her hands in her own. Vaggie unfurled her wings, so much smaller and streamlined than Charlies, but no less beautiful.

Vaggie opened the door for Charlie, holding her hands the whole time as they walked down to the kitchen.

Since the rebuild, there were more than one kitchen and dining area, and the one they went to was specifically for Staff. And Angel Dust, of course. He was family.

Charlie hesitated outside the door, the knot building in her chest anew as she heard the gentle bustle of people inside. From the sound of it, Alastor was playing music while he cooked, Angel and Husk were talking cheerfully, and Nifty was trying to kill some pest that had managed to get inside.

“You ready?” Vaggie asked, cupping Charlie’s face in her hands. Charlie closed her eyes and gently covered Vaggie’s hands with her own, leaning into the touch.

“With you? I’m ready for anything.”


Charlie was expecting an explosion of activity to erupt when she stepped inside, but instead, everyone sort of… froze, starting at her.

“Uh… hi, everyone! What’s for breakfast?” she asked, trying to not let her wings droop against her back. She wasn’t able to hide them away, it wouldn’t work, but she desperately wanted to if only to get the stares to stop.

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