vaggie x Charlie i here honey part two

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When Charlie brings back the people from the cannibal town and meets up with Vaggie, they organize the group in the square in front of the hotel. She tightly grips Vaggie's hand, trembling. Vaggie holds her hand tightly too. She knows this is Charlie's first time leading a large group of people, and these people will follow her to face threats that could cost their lives. However, if there is any possibility to avoid this war, Vaggie will try anything. Because that's why Charlie is trying so hard to manage this hotel, to let her people live in peace.


Vaggie just unwilling to see Charlie face such situation, but she's trying not to express on her face. The situation had reached this point, and this lady had brought back an army herself. Her courage and determination were so admirable that those who laughed at her naivety should really take a good look at their own foolish ignorance. She looks at Charlie, who looks firmly at the crowd. Despite Charlie's trembling hands, there is no fear, no hesitation in her bright eyes, and she even wears a slight smile on her lips. Her voice is clean and spirited, her words explicit, ensuring listeners fully understand the situation and what needs to be done.


Vaggie has never seen Charlie so empowered. She is always gentle, polite, and adorable, but this new version of Charlie is captivating, with just one glance making it impossible to look away. Yet Vaggie can feel the trembling in her hands. This girl forgives her concealment. This girl is going to lead everyone into battle— oh yes, battle!


Charlie is reporting on the current angelic intelligence and what lies ahead. Sometimes she looks over at Vaggie, her petite but gracefully fierce warrior girlfriend, with one eye twinkling and seeming quite entranced by her. It's clear she's very proud of her. Towards the end, Charlie tells everyone that command and training will be handled by Vaggie. Vaggie almost misses her cue at the end, but she snaps back in time to take the speech and seamlessly announces all the tasks for the day, unaware of Charlie shyly scratching her cheek with her fingertip.


Vaggie swears, she'll train these guys into angel terminators, guarding Charlie and her dreams. ¡come mierda, malparido! Just wait and see! 

After the hotel residents complete today's tasks, the people from the cannibal town disperse freely. Charlie offers the rest of the rooms at the hotel, allowing those who want to return home to do so and those who prefer to stay nearby to lodge at the hotel. However, due to the tight-knit nature of the cannibal town, they all go back, leaving Charlie feeling a bit disappointed. After the crowd disperses, they convene a strategy meeting led by Vaggie. After she explains the current military strength and advantages, everyone begins to brainstorm enthusiastically. With Vaggie's understanding of the angel army and combat experience (basically talking about how Adam would recklessly let those exorcist flying and chopping mindlessly), their meeting is very efficient. Before everyone feels tired, the meeting ends, and then they joke around before returning to their rooms, with no one mentioning anything further.


Charlie and Vaggie climb the stairs back to their rooms in silence. Vaggie's heartbeat is a bit fast, her thoughts still consumed by the battle plan discussed earlier, wanting to ensure it is foolproof. The long-awaited battle makes her somewhat excited, as it is a fight that isn't aimless, requires thinking, and serves to genuinely protect others.

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