vaggie x Charlie honey i here part 3

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there was one thing Charlie Morningstar was known for, it was avoiding her problems.

ormally Vaggie would just let it slide, Charlie was an adult she could handle herself, but the problem this time was Charlie’s problem was also Vaggie’s problem.
The way Charlie had greeted Vaggie back at the hotel at the end of the day had made it clear she had worked through at least most of what had gone down in Heaven and since their return, but she knew she was still acting slightly off and Vaggie was even more so.
That didn’t stop her from kissing Vaggie deeply as soon as they were in the privacy of their bedroom though, nor did it stop her from slowly moving them towards their bed, gently pushing Vaggie down onto it and climbing on top of her.
It was only when Charlie starting kissing her way down Vaggie’s neck, moving towards her cleavage that Vaggie seemed to click on what was happening.  “Charlie, stop.”
Charlie immediately pulled back.  “Are you okay?  Did I do something that hurt?”  She asked frantically, checking Vaggie over for any sort of injury.
“I’m okay.  Well, okay maybe I’m sore from Carmine kicking the crap out of me, but you didn’t do anything,” Vaggie assured her.
Confusion settled in Charlie’s mind.  “Then what is it?”
“You can’t just use sex to pretend that nothing happened and that we shouldn’t talk about it.”
“Who said that’s what I’m doing?”  Charlie said somewhat unconvincingly, pressing her knee in between Vaggie’s thighs to try and distract her.
Vaggie’s breath hitched but distraction was not accomplished.  “No offense, babe, but you’re a bottom.”
Charlie made an indignant sound.  “I can be in charge!”
“You do realize the two aren’t mutually exclusive, right?”  Vaggie gave her a wry look.  “Now, can we please focus?  You and I both know we need to talk.”
Charlie sighed, rolling off of Vaggie and sitting next to her as she pulled herself up.  “I guess you’re right.”  Neither spoke for a moment.  “So, where do we start?”
“Should probably start with what happened the day you found me.”
Realization dawned on Charlie’s face.  “It wasn’t anyone down here who did that to you, was it?”
Vaggie nodded.  “It had been business as normal but when I cornered a kid in an alley, I couldn’t do it, I mean killing adults is one thing but killing kids?”  Vaggie shuddered and Charlie placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.  “Anyway, Lute saw me let him go and well first she took my eye and then my wings.  It was Adam who took my halo but truthfully, I was barely conscious by that point and hardly remember.”
Charlie’s eyes started flickering between yellow and red as she listened to Vaggie talk.  “They did this to you for showing mercy?  Isn’t that what angels are supposedly always fucking going on about?”
“Not the exorcists.  They’re either handpicked by Adam himself before they even go through Divine Judgement or they’re Heavenborn to other exorcists.  I’m not sure what his criteria are, but I’m pretty sure those that are picked would most likely have been Hell-bound otherwise.”
Charlie studied Vaggie for a moment.  “Which were you?”
“Heavenborn.  And before you ask, I don’t know anything about my parents.  Exorcists were encouraged to have kids, I guess Adam thought they would be these perfect killing machines, but parents and children were never allowed to know each other, we were raised by essentially a series of nannies.”
Charlie chuckled humourlessly.  “Kind of sounds like my childhood after my parents split, but at least I knew them though even if I never saw either of them.”  She gave Vaggie a sad look.
Vaggie shrugged.  “Meh, I’m not broken up about it.”
Charlie’s eyes suddenly widened.  “Wait, if you’re Heavenborn doesn’t that mean you were basically brainwashed since birth to believe that this was the only way to protect Heaven et cetera et cetera?”
“Uh,” Vaggie spluttered, “I’m not sure I’d go that far but–”
“I’ll take that as a yes.  So, you spent years getting told all this bullshit and yet you were still able to show mercy, do you have any idea how incredible that is?”  Charlie’s eyes were shining with excitement.
“Incredible?” Vaggie gave Charlie an incredulous look.  “I still killed so many of your people, how could you call me sparing one child incredible?”
“Because it means that the sense that what you were doing was wrong was stronger than their brainwashing.”  Charlie’s excitement calmed down, eyes softening.  “I’ve always known you were good.  I’m sorry I haven’t been good at showing it these last few days.”
“Honestly, I probably would have reacted worse had I been in your place, you know how aggressive I can get.”  Charlie on the other hand, Vaggie was convinced she didn’t have a single aggressive bone in her body, rather she was sure she had spent most of the last few days crying in their room.
“Maybe that’s true, but it’s not like I reacted well either.  I shut you out, gave you no chance to explain.  Do you want that chance now?”  Charlie gave Vaggie a tentative smile.
“At first it was to do with how little I knew you, I wasn’t about to tell this virtual stranger that I was an exorcist angel, especially not a virtual stranger who was the Princess of Hell.”  Vaggie gave Charlie a playful nudge which was rewarded with the first real giggle she’d heard from her since Heaven.  “And then I got to know you and you were this amazing beautiful soul and I fell hard, harder than I ever thought I could fall for anyone and suddenly it felt too late to tell you, that if I told you I would lose you and I couldn’t – can’t – bear the thought of that.  It’s no excuse, I know, bu- mmph.”  Vaggie found herself cut off by Charlie’s lips on her own.
“Last I checked, rambling was my thing,” Charlie said with a smile after pulling away, panting.  “Not that it isn’t cute on you, but I have something I want to say.”
“What’s that?”  Vaggie took Charlie’s hand, knowing she found that comforting.
“I had a talk with Rosie earlier – she’s kind of like the leader of the cannibals, helped me get them on board – anyway, she helped me work through my feelings on this whole thing and I will admit that I was hurt and angry about the whole thing and that masked how I felt about you and how I have never doubted that you are behind me one hundred percent and I am sorry that I let that happen.”
“And I’m sorry that I wasn’t just honest with you from the start.”  Vaggie squeezed Charlie’s hand, her returning the gesture.  “So, are we okay?”
“Yeah, we’re okay.”  Charlie felt Vaggie pull on her hand, gladly leaning into the proffered hug.  “I love you.”
“I love you too.”  Vaggie held on for another moment before shifting so she could catch Charlie’s lips in another kiss, one that deepened quickly as Vaggie pushed Charlie down so she was on her back, straddling her hips.  She smirked as Charlie melted into absolute putty in her hands with a soft sigh.  “See, I told you you were a bottom.”
“Oh, just shut up and get on with it.”  Charlie grabbed Vaggie’s hand and moved it to the waistband of her pants.
“So bossy,” Vaggie quipped, groaning as Charlie nipped at her neck.  “Shutting up now.”

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