vaggie x Charlie my angel

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Charlie couldn’t act like nothing had happened, but she wasn’t going to spend the night mad at Vaggie. After all, she was still her partner for life, but it was hard to just move on from the lie that had been kept from her for years. Nevertheless, she intended to talk to her tonight about it, to find out what happened, why she said nothing, all of it. She sort of already knew most of the answers, but was curious all the same. The evening went quick, with the others helping to fortify the hotel and prepare the cannibals for the coming fight. It’d take everything they had to win, but they all had hope that it was possible. When it was finally time to go to bed for the night, Charlie took Vaggie’s hand and practically dragged her to their bed. She wanted to talk to her girlfriend again. She missed her.

“Come onnn Vaggie,” Charlie said with excitement.

“What’s the rush babe, we have all night?”

“I knowww I’m just excited, that’s all,” said Charlie, jumping onto their bed and propping herself up against the pillow. Vaggie just gave her a smile and a little giggle as she took off her shoes and sat next to Charlie, propping herself up too and turning to face Charlie.

“So what are you so excited about?”

“I just wanted to talk is all. I missed ya know… being with you.”

“Babe… we were separated for like a day.”

“And that was the worst day of my life,” said Charlie, both giggling a little. “I’m sorry for… how I handled everything.”

“Don’t be, there’s nothing to be sorry for. I hid it from you because I was scared of what you’d say or do if you found out. You were so kind to me even when I didn’t know you, I just didn’t wanna lose that.”

“For what it’s worth now, I don’t think I would’ve stopped being kind to you if you had been honest about what happened. Speaking of which I still don’t really know what happened.”

“Well… it was extermination day. I was doing business as usual but… I found a child. And seeing the fear in their eyes I just couldn’t do it. So I told them to run, Lute had followed me and grabbed me, cut out my eye, tore off my wings, and left me there to die. I passed out for a few hours, and when I woke up everything hurt. I knew if anyone found me though, they’d try and kill me, so I threw everything in the trash nearby as I crawled to safety, but I didn’t make it far before you found me.”

“Vaggie I…” Charlie hesitated, reaching out to hold Vaggie’s thigh as she finished, “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that.”

“Don’t be hun,” echoed Vaggie, holding Charlie’s hand against her thigh, “I met you, and now I couldn’t be happier.” Vaggie smiled wide at Charlie. It drove Charlie crazy seeing her so happy, because it made her happy too. She pounced on Vaggie, holding her head in her hands as she kissed her. It took Vaggie a second to realize what was happening, but when she did, she kissed back immediately. They turned their bodies towards each other, holding them all the while.

Vaggie realized she had an opportunity, so she took it. She let out her wings, wrapping them around her an Charlie, and holding her close, keeping her warm and safe. Charlie was shocked at first, almost having forgotten about her wings. She pulled back from the kiss, realizing quickly what was going on and blushing as she fell back, letting Vaggie’s wings support her weight. Vaggie was quick to act on it, falling forward into Charlie as she kissed her again, her wings still wrapped around them. They stayed in the same position, switching who was on top occasionally, over the better part of an hour. Normally they’d both be asleep this late, but neither cared enough to say anything, they were too absorbed with each other.

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