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"Bring forth the family of the accused."

Slowly, the security brought me in front of the entire courthouse. Everyone I knew was there. Tommy, the Cameron's, my entire softball team. As I passed the Pogues, I flashed a light smile, trying to hold in tears.

My foot had gotten stitches, and my ankle was now in a tightly-knit brace because I had twisted my ankle really bad.

JJ looked at me, assuringly. I know this wasn't going to turn out good, though. My brother only had a public defender, and they're never that good. I ran my hand down his arm, following the security.

I flashed a glare towards Ward, holding my hands behind my back and making sure he saw the middle finger I was giving him. Y'know, just in sure he couldn't tell by my eyes.

They placed me in the very front row, and, obviously, I was the only Routledge there. I sat down, trying to look as clean and graceful as I could.


The judge spoke. "John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14,  you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty."

Hell broke loose. Even a few Kooks agreed that the death penalty was too much. I immediately stood up in my seat, disagreeing.

The gavel strikes, as people clamored with each other. Some thought that it was good, some that it was bad.

I was shocked, sad, and pissed.

"Your Honor," I heard JJ yelled. I turned around and faced him. "He's 17!"

"Stop," Pope whispered in his ear.

I broke out of my funk. I immediately ran forward, before any security could get to me. I jumped over the white gate separating my brother and I.

"John B!" I said, getting his attention.

He looked back at me, showing his bruise he had gotten when Thomas hit him. "John B!" I repeated.

I wrapped my arms around him, though he couldn't do the same since he had handcuffs on. "I'll figure it out, Bird. I will! I promise!" I reassured him, but also reassured myself too.

Security rushed over, pulling me off him as I began sobbing. "Let go!" I shouted, as I torn away from him.

The guard picked me up and placed me over the gate, quite aggressively. "Don't touch her!" Kie demanded, who had taken my side along with Sarah.

I took a deep breath, flashing one last look at my brother, before turning on my heels and shoving my way out of the courtroom.


As soon as I walked outside, JJ was there with me, holding onto my hand. "Is this a joke? Like, are we in hell or..." Kie began, as we stood on the "porch" of the courtroom.

"I am," I agreed, stubbornly and crossing my arms. 

"I should have never come home," Sarah added, whose face was red from crying.

"They're gonna kill him, guys. I know it," JJ said, as we walked out.

I listened to conversations beside us, who "coincidentally" was Ward. "I'm so sorry what you and your family has gone through. Thank God the system works."

I scoffed, walking forward, despite being held back by Pope and JJ. "Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you. You rich phonies who like having big parties because you think you're superior. So grow a pair," I commanded, with a sither in my voice.

"He'll have his day in court. A jury will decide," Burt, a guy who I have heard of at the country club, said.

"He shouldn't even be in court! You should, Ward. Because you're a fuckin' murderer!"

"Woah!" Adults warned due to my cussing.

"Oh, shut the fuck up! What? Do you need me to get you Kooks hearing aids? Grow up and get welcomed to the 21st century," I yelled at them.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up to court!" Kie added.

Ward turned around, trying to calm me down, falsely. "I know you're upset. I understand you're upset, okay? I know he's got you fooled, Dylan!"

"I trust my brother. I don't trust you and your psychopath son!" I yelled at him, bringing my fist up and about to throw down.

Adults and cops began to pull me away, as the Pogues pulled me back. "Show some respect!"

"I'm showing you fucker the respect you deserve!" I answered at him, rolling my eyes. "None!"

He looked at me, his eyes shoving daggers. "Go on! Murder me! Murder me like you murdered my father! Go on! Murder me like you murder MY FATHER, YOU FUCKER!"

I playfully scoffed. "Oop, sorry. To censor your sensitive Kook ears, fucker means screw you!" I said with a very targeted tone.

Shoupe came in between us. He pushed me away, into JJ.

"Why don't you take the Kooks down for a change, Shoupe?" JJ asked, holding his arm in front of me.

"You wanna get arrested? Get out! You need to go!" Shoupe demanded.

"This is bullshit," Kie murmured.

"Come on. It's not worth it," Sarah said, delicately. Probably trying to hold me back from punching Ward in the back of the head.

We all began turning around, walking away.

"It's not a coincidence that your daughter's sitting with us!" Kie yelled back.

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