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Vaisali's pov:

'Flash back '

I sigh for the umpteenth time in the span of last three hours, my parents voices are heard clear and loud. My mother is right like every time and my father is practical like always and here I am standing in the balcony of our double bedroom flat looking at the busy people on streets minding their own business. When will I be like them? Away from family drama and doing something in life to distract myself from every little hard emotion, yeah I am done with my family drama. I don't understand why we are like this or is everyone like us? Are they all pretending?

I walk back into my parents bedroom
"I will go to Angrau university" My father has an unmistakable pride in his eyes that I oblige with his decision.

"Vyshu what are you talking, you worked so hard to get into medical college and you got one in telangana, so what's wrong?" Mom's eyes are red

"But we live in Andhrapradesh maa, you know I can't stay away from you" That's a total lie. I know the real reason, becoming a doctor is expensive in India and my father can't afford it moreover my brother is unemployed, he is still trying to settle down in life which is why I am compromising now. Even if I try to go against my father's will he won't let that happen, he is so manipulative.

"Agriculture coarse is easy, she will be graduated in four years. And I also work in the head quarters of same university so it won't be difficult to get her a job, listen to me" My father says to my mother who looks disappointed at me

"Yes mom, doctor means I have to study for more than ten years and I am nineteen already because of long term coaching, if it takes a decade to study when will I start earning?"


"I am okay with this mom"
The next day my parents and I went to get my free seat registered in that university which is two hours away from my home. In short I killed my dream of becoming a doctor for many reasons.

I made two friends there prasanna and sujitha,who became my safe place in just few days. After completion of first year we are promoted to second year, seniority!

On the day of freshers party we three wore sarees as a part of culture in this university.

"We have to click lot of pictures" Sujitha said, she is obsessed with this stuff and ofcourse she is very beautiful so she always updates her new garments to this world.

"Puppy come closer" I stand under a tree at the pathology department admiring my two goofy friends, puppy means prasanna, she likes taking pictures of everything and suji is simply availing the opportunity, yeah she is super smart and puppy is super kind.

"Vyshu now come join us" Chuckling I went to stand beside them.

"Excuse me?" We heard a male voice for behind, squeaking I turn back first. You are right I have anxiety, and lot more mental health problems. In the dark night with the fairy lights held as a decoration we can see the person clearly.

"You are a junior right?" Suji questioned first, I forgot to tell you that she is the brave one among us.

"Ye uh yeah mam" He sounds uncomfortable, but why?

"Why are you here when the party is going on there?" She says pointing at the colourfully lit place on campus.

"I was walking by and stopped seeing her" He pointed a finger towards me.

"Why?" Puppy questioned looking confused

"Do you remember me?" He asked, I shook my head. Both girls are staring at me like I betrayed them
"We both went to the same school in East godavari, St. Thomas High. You were in A section while I was uh in D section" I try not to chuckle

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