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Vaisali's pov:

"Maa how are you feeling?"
I just woke up from my afternoon nap, I had a happy dream. I became a scientist and am happy with my kids and husband, well a dream right? They are ought to be beautiful and satisfying, they might not be realistic enough to hope for but are tangible enough to feel inside our heart, vivid and bewitching.
My body was in nirvana, jumping and chuckling at everything he does or speak, ahh I am in love with that dream, why can't life be like a dream, short and sweet? I concentrate back on my mother.

"I am feeling better, how was your exam?"

"It's good maa, actually the viva went well"

"It's weired" I smile

"Actually the external wasn't there so our course professor took the Viva and it went well"

"Finally something good had happened" She huffs dramatically

"What's for lunch?" I ask searching books of my next exam while the other two girls are sleeping like pigs without any fear.

"Plane dal and potato fry"

"Ahh yum, I wanna come home maa"

"Yeah first concentrate on your exams vyshu later we will prepare rajma chawal once you are home" The name itself gives me foodgasam.

The call ended after ten minutes, and I find my pathology material after lot of probing. Damn that subject is so hard and I often get tensed up for that exam, tomorrow is a Sunday the exam is on monday and yet here I am at four in the evening fidgeting about it already, I dread pathology exam. Suji and puppy are sleeping without any tension and I envy them for that good nap, taking a long breath I start reading and ofcourse I feel drowsy and gloomy but I shouldn't give up, after two and half hours of studying I dial suji's number.

"Ah vyshu" My pull the phone back feeling weird, did I dial the right person? Yeah it reads sujjulu the queen, okay she saved the number like that so don't blame me but why is she moaning now?

"Suji, what are you doing?"

"Dudeeee..... Ah I don't know that puppy is very good at massaging, yaar ahhhhh" I hang up and cup my mouth. The fuck is going on in the room? What are they doing? Are they doing it? Oh god, eww it's very awful to imagine. Are they both lesbians or what?
Oh my goodness.
I made a quick walk to our room, I put my ear to the door there are no filthy sounds coming from inside so I push the door open and see puppy massaging suji's head with coconut oil.

"Damn" I close eyes at my dirty brain.

"You want it?" Puppy asked innocently
I shook my head smiling at both of them who has same expression and that is confusion.

"She is so good at this" Suji closes her eyes encouraging puppy to press her head more, she moans and that's when I lost it. I start laughing holding my stomach.

"What happened?"
I couldn't control myself for few minutes and they both stare at me with aghast.

"Guys sorry, I thought you are having something amorous hearing suji's moan on call" And I again started laughing like a maniac.

"Fucking eww, bitch you are indeed a bitch" Suji said with her every day face which often contains disgust and bored expressions. Puppy looks at me like I killed someone, yeah she is kinda orthodox among us.

"Blame yourself not me sujjulu" I chuckle again and again, for the coming ten minutes I keep on giggling whenever I caught their faces.

"Disgusting maniac" And suji keep on cursing me, like an idiot I didn't stop making fun of that situation.

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