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Vaisali's pov:

"How did the chess go?" Suji sits beside me with a packet of green chutney style kurkure in hands.

"I lost the game"


"What about your debate competition?"

"I don't know the results yet, you know I came here for a small escape like a mini vacation but not to win trophies" She said biting on those fried sticks

"So what's next, we only have three days left. Shall we go out?"

"Yeah we should, how about tomorrow afternoon to a beach? We can come back before dark?" Her eyes became mischievous, I know sometimes suji thinks risky but I know I can rely on her plans

"Yes" We are right now in a big auditorium watching some boring folk dance by srikakulam college students, don't get me wrong I am only into kpop and rest annoys me, you might be thinking I complain a lot yes you are right.

"Let's go and have some food" Upon suji's encouragement we both flee out of that sweaty auditorium giggling and ended up in the dining hall.

"Hi mam" That junior guy is standing before us with his empty eaten plate

"Oh hey, what's up?" Suji says while eating sambar rice with cauliflower fries

"Boring competitions mam"

"What did you expect,some romcom hollywood?" She chuckled and left to get some curd in her plate

"Actually I have these with me mam" He pulled out his smart phone from his pant pockets to show me few pictures he was clicked in when he is at our school as I didn't believe him at first. What if he did some morphing or something, I am very skeptical about things. I lost hope in humans and you can judge me I don't care, that's what I learned from suji, give no shit.

"Hey, even I have this picture with me" I took the phone with my left hand to see it clearly, it's a picture from my tenth standard there are nearly two hundred students and ten teachers in the picture, I can see me standing in the end of front column and he in the last column smiling wide at the camera unlike me.

"Now you believe me uh mam?"  I chuckle looking at him with pity.

"Yeah and you can call me vaisali"

"Bro the curd is so good hmm" Suji literally moaned closing her eyes, I almost felt embarrassed

"Lemme go and get some" I disappear from there and came back after two minutes

"Did you hear this vyshu, vikram is saying that a boy and girl from their class eloped last week and we didn't know about that"

"What? Really?" I look at him eating the cold sweet curd from my plate

"Yes mam,dean sir called their parents after finding them in one ponnur theatre"

"Whoa! A lot happened and we aren't aware of that? It's very unusual"

"She is a daughter of politician mam"

"Bullshit" I said, "If it's a politician daughter they don't make it a scandal eh?" I scoff  "Just because I asked a senior to don't rag they made me a fool and denigrated me for two years" A laughed in the most sarcastic way possible, my glance caught his face
he looks at me with combination of emotions at that instance I don't have energy to comprehend what's running through his head but I know there's no malice in his looks.

"Mam were you hurt?"

"Yes I am, not just me we three were. They are all fools, going against ragging was a sin here cause they all want innocents to play with,even professors in our college are assholes and bitches" I didn't think twice to curse before him cause I have stopped caring about anything.

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