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Vaisali's pov:

"Often people consider this as a humiliation, but kids there's no such thing like cheap occupation. Every person's work should be respected, understand" We came to kvk in yaganti, and we are with our co-ordinator,who's also a principal scientist at RARS research station, he is so full of himself. Here no one consider agricultural occupations as humiliation, only he does.

"Now, all of you go and collect required information, I want an assignment and a report on this Saturday" He is hurling commands like he owns us. What the heck is wrong with this old man, all this shit is not required and yet he is making us do this for his own benefits, he has been clicking pictures at every activity with us to paste them in our final record book, that we have to submit at the end of the semester. They will be sent to main university, and his name will be boasted in the entire university seeing him in all pictures, exactly what he wanted. Asshole. They think he is a loyal teacher of us.

"Argh! this man has to make us do this even in this sun?" Puppy is barely able to stand, the temperature right now is 39 degree celcius, and he want us to do the practicals here.

We walk around and collected information from shade net house, vermicompost units, farm machinary, and the goats they are specifically rearing here. We saw hens, called Ayam cemani, the body is black, blood is black and meat is also black. I feel like running away from here, the sun and our thick uniform are not making this any easy.

"Fuck this, I am leaving"

"Where will you go suji?"

"Anywhere but not here" She is stomping on her feet like a kid.

"Do you think he's gonna let you go?" Puppy scoffs googling about the goat breed we have seen in the sheds.

"At least I wanna drink some water" Suji is holding her stomach, her face is all tanned and lips have deep cuts. Dude she is very sensitive to sun.

"Go drink water and sit under the tree we sat this morning before this idiot showed up" Suji nods and leaves in hurry to do as I suggested.

Puppy and I stay back to complete the last meeting with a farm engineer. He is around 35 and he looks damn fine.
"Puppy" I whisper, she is seriously pretending like she is listening to the lecture he is giving about the farm machines.

"Puppy" I hit her shoulder

"Ah what happened?" She finally looks at me

"He is looking good right?" She rolls her eyes instead.

"As if you are ready to give this a try" She gestures between me and him.

"What?" She sighs

"You are not ready to give any man a chance right? Then why look at nice hunks?"

"Just for eye satisfaction" I pout at her judgement, ofcourse I am not ready for any relationship but that doesn't mean I can't look at beautiful men.

"He left last night?"

"Who?" I question like a dumb ass

"Who else, vikram?" I shrug.
Okay lemme explain you what has happened in the past one month, he has been staying around, at night he leaves on his bike and in the mornings he will come back and follow where ever we go. Last week he waited four hours outside the research Center that we went to and on Sunday we all went to The goatlife movie, and he too came to watch the film. He is not being discreet, suji's cousin's marriage is in a week, so we three went to aakruthi mall to buy her a nice dress and that asshole came there too. I am still confused why is he doing this? It's been a month! What about his attendance? Oh well how can we forget the dean's obsession over his father's reputation.

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